#ifndef SKYNET_SPINLOCK_H #define SKYNET_SPINLOCK_H #define SPIN_INIT(q) spinlock_init(&(q)->lock); #define SPIN_LOCK(q) spinlock_lock(&(q)->lock); #define SPIN_UNLOCK(q) spinlock_unlock(&(q)->lock); #define SPIN_DESTROY(q) spinlock_destroy(&(q)->lock); #ifndef USE_PTHREAD_LOCK #ifdef __STDC_NO_ATOMICS__ #define atomic_flag_ int #define ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT_ 0 #define atomic_flag_test_and_set_(ptr) __sync_lock_test_and_set(ptr, 1) #define atomic_flag_clear_(ptr) __sync_lock_release(ptr) struct spinlock { atomic_flag_ lock; }; static inline void spinlock_init(struct spinlock *lock) { atomic_flag_ v = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT_; lock->lock = v; } static inline void spinlock_lock(struct spinlock *lock) { while (atomic_flag_test_and_set_(&lock->lock)) {} } static inline int spinlock_trylock(struct spinlock *lock) { return atomic_flag_test_and_set_(&lock->lock) == 0; } static inline void spinlock_unlock(struct spinlock *lock) { atomic_flag_clear_(&lock->lock); } static inline void spinlock_destroy(struct spinlock *lock) { (void) lock; } #else // __STDC_NO_ATOMICS__ #include "atomic.h" #define atomic_test_and_set_(ptr) STD_ atomic_exchange_explicit(ptr, 1, STD_ memory_order_acquire) #define atomic_clear_(ptr) STD_ atomic_store_explicit(ptr, 0, STD_ memory_order_release); #define atomic_load_relaxed_(ptr) STD_ atomic_load_explicit(ptr, STD_ memory_order_relaxed) #if defined(__x86_64__) #include // For _mm_pause #define atomic_pause_() _mm_pause() #else #define atomic_pause_() ((void)0) #endif struct spinlock { STD_ atomic_int lock; }; static inline void spinlock_init(struct spinlock *lock) { STD_ atomic_init(&lock->lock, 0); } static inline void spinlock_lock(struct spinlock *lock) { for (;;) { if (!atomic_test_and_set_(&lock->lock)) return; while (atomic_load_relaxed_(&lock->lock)) atomic_pause_(); } } static inline int spinlock_trylock(struct spinlock *lock) { return !atomic_load_relaxed_(&lock->lock) && !atomic_test_and_set_(&lock->lock); } static inline void spinlock_unlock(struct spinlock *lock) { atomic_clear_(&lock->lock); } static inline void spinlock_destroy(struct spinlock *lock) { (void) lock; } #endif // __STDC_NO_ATOMICS__ #else #include // we use mutex instead of spinlock for some reason // you can also replace to pthread_spinlock struct spinlock { pthread_mutex_t lock; }; static inline void spinlock_init(struct spinlock *lock) { pthread_mutex_init(&lock->lock, NULL); } static inline void spinlock_lock(struct spinlock *lock) { pthread_mutex_lock(&lock->lock); } static inline int spinlock_trylock(struct spinlock *lock) { return pthread_mutex_trylock(&lock->lock) == 0; } static inline void spinlock_unlock(struct spinlock *lock) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->lock); } static inline void spinlock_destroy(struct spinlock *lock) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&lock->lock); } #endif #endif