local skynet = require "skynet" local netpack = require "skynet.netpack" local socketdriver = require "skynet.socketdriver" local gateserver = {} local socket -- listen socket local queue -- message queue local maxclient -- max client local client_number = 0 local CMD = setmetatable({}, { __gc = function() netpack.clear(queue) end }) local nodelay = false local connection = {} -- true : connected -- nil : closed -- false : close read function gateserver.openclient(fd) if connection[fd] then socketdriver.start(fd) end end function gateserver.closeclient(fd) local c = connection[fd] if c ~= nil then connection[fd] = nil socketdriver.close(fd) end end function gateserver.start(handler) assert(handler.message) assert(handler.connect) local listen_context = {} function CMD.open( source, conf ) assert(not socket) local address = conf.address or "" local port = assert(conf.port) maxclient = conf.maxclient or 1024 nodelay = conf.nodelay skynet.error(string.format("Listen on %s:%d", address, port)) socket = socketdriver.listen(address, port) listen_context.co = coroutine.running() listen_context.fd = socket skynet.wait(listen_context.co) conf.address = listen_context.addr conf.port = listen_context.port listen_context = nil socketdriver.start(socket) if handler.open then return handler.open(source, conf) end end function CMD.close() assert(socket) socketdriver.close(socket) end local MSG = {} local function dispatch_msg(fd, msg, sz) if connection[fd] then handler.message(fd, msg, sz) else skynet.error(string.format("Drop message from fd (%d) : %s", fd, netpack.tostring(msg,sz))) end end MSG.data = dispatch_msg local function dispatch_queue() local fd, msg, sz = netpack.pop(queue) if fd then -- may dispatch even the handler.message blocked -- If the handler.message never block, the queue should be empty, so only fork once and then exit. skynet.fork(dispatch_queue) dispatch_msg(fd, msg, sz) for fd, msg, sz in netpack.pop, queue do dispatch_msg(fd, msg, sz) end end end MSG.more = dispatch_queue function MSG.open(fd, msg) client_number = client_number + 1 if client_number >= maxclient then socketdriver.shutdown(fd) return end if nodelay then socketdriver.nodelay(fd) end connection[fd] = true handler.connect(fd, msg) end function MSG.close(fd) if fd ~= socket then client_number = client_number - 1 if connection[fd] then connection[fd] = false -- close read end if handler.disconnect then handler.disconnect(fd) end else socket = nil end end function MSG.error(fd, msg) if fd == socket then skynet.error("gateserver accept error:",msg) else socketdriver.shutdown(fd) if handler.error then handler.error(fd, msg) end end end function MSG.warning(fd, size) if handler.warning then handler.warning(fd, size) end end function MSG.init(id, addr, port) if listen_context then local co = listen_context.co if co then assert(id == listen_context.fd) listen_context.addr = addr listen_context.port = port skynet.wakeup(co) listen_context.co = nil end end end skynet.register_protocol { name = "socket", id = skynet.PTYPE_SOCKET, -- PTYPE_SOCKET = 6 unpack = function ( msg, sz ) return netpack.filter( queue, msg, sz) end, dispatch = function (_, _, q, type, ...) queue = q if type then MSG[type](...) end end } local function init() skynet.dispatch("lua", function (_, address, cmd, ...) local f = CMD[cmd] if f then skynet.ret(skynet.pack(f(address, ...))) else skynet.ret(skynet.pack(handler.command(cmd, address, ...))) end end) end if handler.embed then init() else skynet.start(init) end end return gateserver