123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932 |
- // 代码编辑器窗口
- // 编辑功能 MonaocEditor 编辑器面板
- Editor.require('packages://simple-code/panel/vs-panel/ace/ace.js');
- const statistical = Editor.require('packages://simple-code/tools/statistical.js');
- const vsEditorPanel = Editor.require('packages://simple-code/panel/vs-panel/vs-panel-base.js');
- const acePanel = Editor.require('packages://simple-code/panel/vs-panel/ace-panel.js');
- const tools = Editor.require('packages://simple-code/tools/tools.js');
- const config = Editor.require('packages://simple-code/config.js');
- const keyMap = Editor.require('packages://simple-code/keyMap.js');
- const packageCfg = Editor.require('packages://simple-code/package.json');
- const updater = Editor.require('packages://simple-code/tools/updater.js');
- const fs = require('fs');
- const path = require("path");
- const electron = require('electron');
- const eventMerge = Editor.require('packages://simple-code/tools/eventMerge');
- const prsPath = Editor.Project && Editor.Project.path ? Editor.Project.path : Editor.remote.projectPath;
- let _scripts = [];
- let is_hint = false;
- tools.initI18t()
- /** @extends vsEditorPanel */
- let layer = {
- style:'',
- template: `
- <div id="box">
- <div id="editorA"></div>
- <div id="editorB"></div>
- <div id="layoutTab" class="layout horizontal justified titleBarFontSize">
- <div id="tabList" class="layout horizontal">
- <img src=file://${Editor.url("packages://simple-code/panel/images/settingIco.png")} id="waitIco" class="turnAnim"></img> <span></span> <span></span>
- <div id="title0" class="closeTab">
- <div class="tabTitle"><nobr>无文件<nobr></div>
- <div class="closeBtn"><nobr> x <nobr></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="toolsPanel" class="layout horizontal">
- <ui-checkbox id="lockChk" title="锁定当前文件后不再自动关闭">${tools.translate('lock-tab')}</ui-checkbox>
- <ui-checkbox id="lockWindowChk" title="锁定后窗口不再自动缩放">${tools.translate('lock-win')}</ui-checkbox>
- <ui-button id="manualCompile" class="">${tools.translate('manual-compile')}</ui-button>
- <ui-button id="gotoFileBtn" class="blue">${tools.translate('goto-file-btn')}</ui-button>
- <ui-button id="settingBtn" class="green">${tools.translate('set')}</ui-button>
- <ui-button id="resetBtn" class="red">${tools.translate('reset')}</ui-button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="overlay" class="overlay"></div>
- <div id="dropBg" class="dropBg"></div>
- </div>
- `,
- $: {
- lockChk: '#lockChk',
- lockWindowChk: '#lockWindowChk',
- layoutTab: '#layoutTab',
- manualCompile: '#manualCompile',
- settingBtn: '#settingBtn',
- resetBtn: '#resetBtn',
- gotoFileBtn: '#gotoFileBtn',
- editorA: '#editorA',
- editorB: '#editorB',
- title0: '#title0',
- tabList: '#tabList',
- box: '#box',
- waitIco: '#waitIco',
- overlay: '#overlay',
- dropBg:'#dropBg',
- toolsPanel: '#toolsPanel',
- },
- // 启动事件
- ready()
- {
- this.initStartData()
- this.initCSS()
- this.runExtendFunc("ready",this);
- this.initVsEditor(()=>{
- this.initData();
- this.initBindEvent();
- this.initKeybody();
- this.setWaitIconActive(false);
- this.upCurrSceneChildrenInfo();
- this.is_init_finish = true;
- this.runExtendFunc("onLoad",this);
- this.setOptions(this.cfg,true);
- window._panel = this;
- });
- },
- initCSS()
- {
- let text =
- // ace.editorCss +
- fs.readFileSync(Editor.url("packages://simple-code/panel/vs-panel/vs-panel.css"), "utf-8") + '\n'+
- fs.readFileSync(Editor.url("packages://simple-code/panel/vs-panel/monaco-editor/dev/vs/editor/editor.main.css"), "utf-8");
- var style = document.createElement("style");
- style.innerHTML = text;
- this.$box.appendChild(style);
- this.styleSheet = style.sheet;
- },
- initStartData(){
- // 游戏资源路径缓存
- this.file_list_buffer = [];
- this.file_list_map = {};
- // ipc event
- this.listenIpcList = []
- // creator编辑资源选择信息
- this.currCreatorEditorSelectInfo = {}
- // 读取配置文件
- this.$title0.style.display = 'none';
- this.timer_map = {};
- this.cfg = config.getLocalStorage();
- this.pro_cfg = config.getProjectLocalStorage()
- this.ace = new acePanel(this)
- },
- // 设置选项
- setOptions(cfg,isInit)
- {
- // 基类
- this._super(cfg,isInit);
- if (cfg.newFileType != null) {
- localStorage.setItem("newFileType", cfg.newFileType || "ts");
- }
- if(cfg.tabBarPos != null){
- this.setTabBarPos(cfg.tabBarPos);
- }
- if(cfg.hideToolsBar != null){
- this.$toolsPanel.hidden = cfg.hideToolsBar;
- }
- if(cfg.codeCompileMode != null || isInit){
- this.$manualCompile.hidden = cfg.codeCompileMode != 'manual';
- this.$gotoFileBtn.hidden = cfg.codeCompileMode == 'manual';
- }
- if(cfg.titleBarFontSize != null){
- this.setCssByName('.titleBarFontSize',`{font-size: ${cfg.titleBarFontSize}px}`)
- }
- if(cfg.isCheckUpdater != null && cfg.isCheckUpdater){
- this.checkUpdate();
- }
- this.runExtendFunc("setOptions", cfg,isInit);
- if(!isInit) this.saveOptionsByDelayTime()
- },
- saveOptionsByDelayTime(){
- this.setTimeoutById(()=>{
- this.saveOptions()
- },1000,'saveOptionsByDelayTime')
- },
- saveOptions(){
- // 写入配置
- this.cfg.fontSize = this.vs_editor.getRawOptions().fontSize;
- this.cfg.search_history = this.search_history;
- this.cfg.self_flex_per = this.self_flex_per;
- delete this.cfg.language;
- config.saveStorage();
- },
- setCssByName(name,infoText){
- for (let i = 0; i < this.styleSheet.cssRules.length; i++) {
- const css_rule = this.styleSheet.cssRules[i];
- if(css_rule.selectorText == name){
- this.styleSheet.deleteRule(i)
- this.styleSheet.insertRule(name +' '+ infoText,0)
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- // 补充缺失的配置,升级版本导致的
- loadDefineMeunCfg(cfg){
- for (const key in config.optionGroups) {
- const groups = config.optionGroups[key];
- for (const k in groups) {
- const option = groups[k];
- if(cfg[option.path] === undefined && option.defaultValue !== undefined){
- cfg[option.path] = option.defaultValue; // 补充缺失的配置,升级版本导致的
- }
- }
- }
- return cfg;
- },
- // 加载数据
- initData() {
- this.mouse_pos;
- this.is_init_finish = false;
- this.waitSaveIntervals = {}
- // 当前场景所有子节点信息缓存
- this.currSceneChildrenInfo = [];
- // 搜索历史
- this.search_history = this.pro_cfg.search_history = this.pro_cfg.search_history || [];
- this.setLockWindow(this.cfg.is_lock_window);
- },
- // 綁定事件
- initBindEvent() {
- // 失去焦点,编译代码
- // this.addEventListener('blur', () => {
- // if(this.cfg.codeCompileMode == 'blur'){
- // this.refreshSaveFild(false)
- // }
- // },false);
- // 失去焦点
- this.$box.addEventListener("blur",()=>
- {
- if(this.cfg.autoSaveFile == 'blur'){
- let oldEditId = this.edit_id || -1;
- // 失去焦点自動保存文件,延迟为了防止点击node切换时切换不了标签
- this.setTimeoutById(()=>{
- if (!this.getTabDiv(oldEditId)) return;
- this.saveFileFromDelayTime(false,false,oldEditId,false);
- // 失去焦点時編譯文件
- if(this.cfg.codeCompileMode == 'blur'){
- this.refreshSaveFild(false)
- }
- },500,'autoSaveFileInterval_'+oldEditId);
- }else{
- if(this.cfg.codeCompileMode == 'blur'){
- this.refreshSaveFild(false) // 失去焦点時編譯文件
- }
- }
- },true)
- // 手动编译
- this.$manualCompile.addEventListener('confirm', () => {
- // if (this.file_info) this.saveFile(true);
- this.refreshSaveFild(true)
- },false);
- // 设置
- this.$settingBtn.addEventListener('confirm', () => {
- // if (this.file_info) this.saveFile(true);
- this.ace.openMenu()
- },false);
- // 重置
- this.$resetBtn.addEventListener('confirm', () => {
- if (this.file_info) {
- let text = this.fileMgr.checkCurrFileChange(this.file_info);
- if (this.file_info.data != this.vs_editor.getValue()) {
- if (text) {
- this.vs_editor.setValue(text);
- this.file_info.is_need_save = false;
- this.file_info.data = text;
- this.upTitle();
- }
- }
- if (!text) {
- this.file_info.uuid = null; // 文件已被删除
- this.file_info.is_need_save = false;
- this.oepnDefindFile();
- }
- }
- });
- // 定位文件
- this.$gotoFileBtn.addEventListener('confirm', () => {
- if (this.file_info) {
- Editor.Ipc.sendToAll('assets:hint', this.file_info.uuid);
- }
- });
- // 锁定编辑
- this.$lockChk.addEventListener('change', () => {
- this.setLockEdit(this.$lockChk.checked ? true : false);
- });
- // 锁定窗口
- this.$lockWindowChk.addEventListener('change', () => {
- this.setLockWindow(this.$lockWindowChk.checked ? true : false);
- this.saveOptionsByDelayTime()
- });
- // node或assets 启动拖拽事件
- let dragsArgs = {}
- this.addListenerIpc("editor:dragstart", (e, t)=>{
- dragsArgs = {
- type : t.type,
- items : t.items,
- options : t.options
- }
- });
- this.addListenerIpc("editor:dragend", ()=>{
- dragsArgs = null;
- });
- // 读取拖入的文件
- this.$editorB.addEventListener('dragover',(e)=>{
- // if(e.dataTransfer.files[0]){
- this.$dropBg.style.display = "block";
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- // }
- },false)
- // 读取拖入的文件
- this.$editorB.addEventListener('drop',(e)=>{
- this.$dropBg.style.display = "none";
- this.onDrag(e,dragsArgs || {});
- },false);
- this.$editorB.addEventListener('dragleave',(e)=>{
- this.$dropBg.style.display = "none";
- },false);
- this.addListenerIpc('selection:hoverin',(e,type,uuid)=>{
- this.onEditorSelectionHoverin(type,uuid);
- })
- // 鼠标右键nodeTree|asset
- this.addListenerIpc('selection:context',(e,type,uuid)=>{
- if(uuid == null){
- let curSls = Editor.Selection.curGlobalActivate()
- if(curSls && curSls.id != null){
- return; // 下面函数 selection:activated 继续调用
- }
- }
- this.onEditorSelection(type,uuid);
- })
- // 鼠标左键选中、取消
- this.addListenerIpc('selection:activated',(e,type,uuid)=>{
- this.onEditorSelection(type,uuid);
- })
- // 记录鼠标位置,用于菜单位置
- let mousemove = (e)=>{
- this.mouse_pos = {y:e.clientY,x:e.clientX}
- }
- this.addWindowEventListener('mousemove',mousemove,true)
- // 用于触发双击事件
- let mousedown = (e)=>{
- let now_time = new Date().getTime();
- if(this._mousedown_time == null || now_time - this._mousedown_time>300){
- this._mousedown_time = new Date().getTime()
- }else{
- // 双击事件分发
- let mouse_pos = {y:e.clientY,x:e.clientX}
- this.onMouseDoubleClick(mouse_pos);
- }
- if(!this.isFocused()){
- this._isMoveDown = true
- this.setTimeoutById(()=>this._isMoveDown = false,2000,'mousedow')
- }
- }
- this.addWindowEventListener('mousedown',mousedown,true)
- // 关闭页面提示
- this.onDestroy = this.onDestroy.bind(this)
- window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.onDestroy, false);
- // 检测窗口改变大小调整
- this.schFunc = this.setTimeoutToJS(() =>
- {
- if(this.parentElement == null){
- // 本窗口已被删除
- this.onDestroy();
- return;
- }
- let is_up_layout = this.is_init_finish && this.upLayout()
- this.upNeedImportListWorker()
- this.onCheckLayout(is_up_layout)
- }, 0.5);
- },
- addListenerIpc(name,callback){
- this.listenIpcList.push({name,callback});
- electron.ipcRenderer.on(name,callback);
- },
- upLayout(){
- if (this.old_width == null || Math.abs(this.$box.clientWidth - this.old_width) >3 || this.old_height == null || Math.abs(this.$box.clientHeight - this.old_height) >3) {
- this.old_width = this.$box.clientWidth;
- this.old_height = this.$box.clientHeight;
- this.vs_editor.layout();
- return true;
- }
- },
- // 键盘键事件
- initKeybody() {
- let pressedKeys = {};
- let _this = this;
- let ret_type;
- let onApplyEvent = (e, type) => {
- let ret_type = true;
- let count = 0;
- let removeKey;
- for (let n in pressedKeys) if(pressedKeys[n]) count++;
- // let removeList = []
- _this.key_cfg.forEach((cfg, i) =>
- {
- if (type == cfg.touch_type && cfg.keys.length == count) {
- if (cfg.mode == 2 || _this.vs_editor.hasTextFocus() == cfg.mode) {
- let isHas = true;
- cfg.keys.forEach((key) => {
- if (!pressedKeys[key] && !pressedKeys["Key"+key.toLocaleUpperCase()]) {
- isHas = false;
- }
- });
- if (isHas) {
- if (cfg.callback) {
- removeKey = e.key;
- // Array.prototype.push.apply(removeList,cfg.keys)
- if(count == 1 && e.key.length == 1 && tools.inputTypeChk(e)){
- return; // 单键情况下且处于编辑文本状态则不触发快捷键
- }
- ret_type = ret_type && cfg.callback(e);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- // removeList.forEach((key)=> delete pressedKeys[key]);
- if (removeKey) delete pressedKeys[removeKey];
- return ret_type;
- }
- this.addWindowEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
- pressedKeys = {
- [config.keyMap[e.keyCode] ? config.keyMap[e.keyCode] : e.key] : 1,
- ['Alt'] : e.altKey,
- ['Ctrl'] : e.ctrlKey,
- ['Meta'] : e.metaKey,
- ['Shift'] : e.shiftKey,
- }
- ret_type = onApplyEvent(e, 'keydown');
- _this.runExtendFunc("onKeyDown", e);
- // console.log("A",e.key,pressedKeys)
- return ret_type;
- }, true);
- this.addWindowEventListener("keypress", function (e) {
- pressedKeys = {
- [config.keyMap[e.keyCode] ? config.keyMap[e.keyCode] : e.key] : 1,
- ['Alt'] : e.altKey,
- ['Ctrl'] : e.ctrlKey,
- ['Meta'] : e.metaKey,
- ['Shift'] : e.shiftKey,
- }
- ret_type = onApplyEvent(e, 'keypress');
- // _this.runExtendFunc("onKeypRess",e);
- // console.log("B",e.key,pressedKeys)
- return ret_type;
- }, true);
- this.addWindowEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
- // pressedKeys = {};
- pressedKeys = {
- [config.keyMap[e.keyCode] ? config.keyMap[e.keyCode] : e.key] : 1,
- ['Alt'] : e.altKey,
- ['Ctrl'] : e.ctrlKey,
- ['Meta'] : e.metaKey,
- ['Shift'] : e.shiftKey,
- }
- _this.runExtendFunc("onKeyUp", e);
- }, true);
- // 重置key
- this.addWindowEventListener("focus", () => pressedKeys = {},true)
- // 阻挡冒泡creator的快捷键
- // this.$box.addEventListener("keydown", (e)=> {
- // let className = e.path[0] && e.path[0].className || ''
- // if (className.indexOf('monaco') != -1 && (e.key == "w" || e.key == "e" || e.key == "r" || e.key == "t")) e.stopPropagation()
- // }, false);
- this.addKeybodyEvent([["Ctrl", "s"], ["Meta", "s"]], (e) =>
- {
- let id = this.file_info.id;
- this.saveFileFromDelayTime(true,false,id);
- e.preventDefault();// 吞噬捕获事件
- return false;
- }, 1, "keydown");
- // 关闭页面
- this.addKeybodyEventByName('closeTab', (e) => {
- this.closeTab(this.edit_id);
- e.preventDefault();// 吞噬捕获事件
- return false;
- }, 1, "keydown");
- // tab 左移
- this.addKeybodyEventByName('prevView', (e) => {
- this.tabToLeft(true);
- e.preventDefault();// 吞噬捕获事件
- return false;
- }, 1, "keydown");
- // tab 右移
- this.addKeybodyEventByName('nextView', (e) => {
- this.tabToRight(true);
- e.preventDefault();// 吞噬捕获事件
- return false;
- }, 1, "keydown");
- // tab
- this.addKeybodyEventByName('switchTab', (e) => {
- this.setTabPage(this.old_edit_id);
- e.preventDefault();// 吞噬捕获事件
- e.stopPropagation()
- return false;
- }, 1, "keydown");
- },
- // 获得下拉条列表目数据
- getItem(value, meta, score, args) {
- let item_cfg = {
- value: value, // 命令
- meta: meta, // 描述
- score: score,//搜索优先级
- args: args, // 自定义数据
- matchMask: 0,
- exactMatch: 1,
- };
- return item_cfg;
- },
- setTabBarPos(str){
- this.$box.style.flexDirection = str ? 'column' : 'column-reverse';
- },
- // 锁定编辑
- setLockEdit(is_lock,id)
- {
- id = id == null ? this.edit_id : id;
- let info = this.edit_list[id] || {};
- // 打开文件解除锁定编辑
- if (id == this.edit_id) this.$lockChk.checked = is_lock;
- info.is_lock = is_lock;
- this.vs_editor.updateOptions({ lineNumbers: info.is_cmd_mode || id != 0 ? "on" : 'off' });
- this.vs_editor.updateOptions({ lineNumbers: info.is_cmd_mode || id != 0 ? "on" : 'off' });
- this.upTitle(id);
- },
- // 锁定窗口
- setLockWindow(is_lock)
- {
- this.cfg.is_lock_window = is_lock;
- this.$lockWindowChk.checked = is_lock ? true : false;
- },
- // 添加快捷键, 例子: this.addKeybodyEvent([ ["Ctrl","x"] ],()=>{})
- addKeybodyEvent(arrKeys, callback, isOnEditorRun, touchType = "keydown") {
- arrKeys.forEach((keys) => {
- keys.forEach((v, i) => {
- keys[i] = v == "Control" ? "Ctrl" : keys[i];
- })
- this.key_cfg.push({ keys, callback, mode: isOnEditorRun, touch_type: touchType });
- })
- },
- // 按钮事件
- addKeybodyEventByName(keyName, callback, isOnEditorRun, touchType = "keydown") {
- let arrKeys = this.getKeys(keyName);
- if(arrKeys){
- this.addKeybodyEvent(arrKeys, callback, isOnEditorRun, touchType)
- }
- },
- getKeys(keyName){
- let keyInfo = keyMap[keyName];
- if(keyInfo){
- return Editor.isWin32 ? keyInfo.win32 : keyInfo.mac;
- }
- },
- setWaitIconActive(isActive){
- if(this.$waitIco){
- this.$waitIco.className = isActive ? 'turnAnim' : '';
- }
- },
- // 刷新场景所有的子节点信息缓存
- upCurrSceneChildrenInfo() {
- if(!this.isInitEditorScene){
- return
- }
- // 从场景获得代码数据
- Editor.Scene.callSceneScript('simple-code', 'scene-children-info', "", (err, data) => {
- if (!data || data == "") return;
- this.currSceneChildrenInfo = JSON.parse(data);
- this.onCurrSceneChildrenInfo(this.currSceneChildrenInfo);
- }, -1)
- },
- onCheckLayout(isUpLayout){
- this.runExtendFunc("onCheckLayout", isUpLayout);
- },
- onCurrSceneChildrenInfo(currSceneChildrenInfo) {
- this.runExtendFunc("onCurrSceneChildrenInfo", currSceneChildrenInfo);
- },
- onMouseDoubleClick(mousePos){
- this.runExtendFunc("onMouseDoubleClick",mousePos);
- },
- // 窗口获得焦点
- onFocus(){
- this._super()
- this.runExtendFunc("onFocus");
- },
- // 窗口失去焦点
- // onBlur(){
- // this._super()
- // this.runExtendFunc("onBlur");
- // },
- // onclose(){
- // this.onDestroy()
- // },
- // 页面关闭
- onDestroy()
- {
- if(this._is_destroy || this.edit_list == null) return;
- this._is_destroy = true;
- this._super();
- this.runExtendFunc("onDestroy");
- // 移除 window 事件
- window.removeEventListener('beforeunload',this.onDestroy,false);
- for (let i = 0; i < this.window_event_listener.length; i++) {
- const event = this.window_event_listener[i];
- window.removeEventListener(event.eventName,event.callback,event.option)
- }
- // 移除ipc事件
- for (let i = 0; i < this.listenIpcList.length; i++) {
- const event = this.listenIpcList[i];
- electron.ipcRenderer.removeListener(event.name,event.callback);
- }
- // 停止事件
- if (this.schFunc) this.schFunc();
- if(this.menu && this.menu.destroy) this.menu.destroy()
- this.menu = null;
- // 手动编译的文件
- this.refreshSaveFild();
- // 保存编辑信息
- let temp_path_map = {}
- this.edit_list.forEach((editInfo, id) => {
- if (editInfo) {
- if (editInfo.uuid && editInfo.is_need_save) {
- let time = new Date().getTime();
- if (editInfo.uuid != "outside" && confirm("窗口即将关闭!" + editInfo.path + " 文件被修改是否保存?")) {
- this.saveFile();
- } else {
- let dff_time = (new Date().getTime()) - time;
- if (dff_time < 10) {
- this.saveFile();
- } else {
- Editor.log("丢弃修改:", editInfo.new_data);
- }
- }
- }
- temp_path_map[editInfo.path] = editInfo.is_lock;
- this.file_cfg[editInfo.path] = this.file_cfg[editInfo.path] = {}
- this.file_cfg[editInfo.path].is_open = editInfo.is_lock;
- this.file_cfg[editInfo.path].is_show = editInfo.vs_model == this.vs_editor.getModel() ? 1 : 0;
- }
- });
- for (const url in this.file_cfg) {
- if(this.getTabIdByPath(url) == null){
- delete this.file_cfg[url];
- }
- }
- for (let key in this.file_cfg) {
- if (!temp_path_map[key]) delete this.file_cfg[key];
- }
- this.edit_list.forEach((_,id) => {
- this.closeTab(id);
- });
- // 延迟清除缓存,如果creator窗口被关闭就不需要清除
- let models = this.monaco.editor.getModels();
- setTimeout(()=>{
- for (const key in models) {
- const model = models[key];
- if(model) model.dispose();
- }
- },0.01)
- this.saveOptions();
- },
- initExtend()
- {
- // 合并事件函数,分发
- let info = eventMerge.eventMerge(this.messages, "panel_ex.js");
- _scripts = info.scripts;
- this.messages = info.messages;
- },
- runExtendFunc(funcName, ...args) {
- _scripts.forEach((obj) => {
- if (obj[funcName]) {
- obj[funcName](...args);
- }
- })
- },
- /**鼠标左或右点击节点树或资源目录时触发
- * @param type = node | asset
- * */
- onEditorSelection(type,uuid){
- if(!this.isInitEditorScene){
- return;
- }
- this.onRefreshCreatorMenu(type,uuid);
- this.runExtendFunc('onEditorSelection',type,uuid);
- },
- /**鼠标移动经过节点树或资源目录时触发
- * @param type = node | asset
- * */
- onEditorSelectionHoverin(type,uuid){
- if(!this.isInitEditorScene){
- return;
- }
- this.onRefreshCreatorMenu(type,uuid);
- this.runExtendFunc('onEditorSelectionHoverin',type,uuid)
- },
- /** 需要刷新creator右键菜单
- * @param type = node | asset
- * */
- onRefreshCreatorMenu(type,uuid){
- if(!this.is_init_finish) return;
- this.currCreatorEditorSelectInfo.type = type;
- this.currCreatorEditorSelectInfo.uuid = uuid;
- this.runExtendFunc('onRefreshCreatorMenu',type,uuid)
- },
- /**
- * 拖入事件
- * @param {evnt} e
- * @param {object} dragsArgs - {type:'node',items:[{id:'uuidxx',name:''}]} || {}
- */
- onDrag(e,dragsArgs){
- e.preventDefault();
- var fileObj = e.dataTransfer.files[0];
- if(fileObj){
- if(!this.openOutSideFile(fileObj.path,true))
- {
- Editor.log('暂不支持该文本类型:',path.extname(fileObj.path));
- }
- }
- this.runExtendFunc('onDrag',e,dragsArgs)
- },
- // 扩展使用的事件
- onAssetsChangedEvent(file){
- this._super(file);
- this.runExtendFunc('onAssetsChangedEvent',file)
- },
- onAssetsCreatedEvent(files){
- this.runExtendFunc('onAssetsCreatedEvent',files)
- },
- onAssetsDeletedEvent(files){
- this.runExtendFunc('onAssetsDeletedEvent',files)
- },
- onAssetsMovedEvent(files){
- this.runExtendFunc('onAssetsMovedEvent',files)
- },
- // 正在切换页面标签栏
- onSwitchTab(oldEditId = -1,newEditId){
- this._super(oldEditId,newEditId);
- if (!this.getTabDiv(oldEditId)){
- return;
- }
- if(this.cfg.autoSaveFile == 'blur'){
- // 失去焦点自動保存文件
- this.saveFileFromDelayTime(false,false,oldEditId,false);
- }
- },
- // 检查更新
- async checkUpdate() {
- const newVersionDesc = await updater.check();
- // 打印到控制台
- if (newVersionDesc) {
- let hitnText = tools.translateZhAndEn('发现新版本,请过”扩展商店”下载更新,更新内容如下:\n','If you find the new version, please go to the "Extension Store" to download the update as follows :\n')
- Editor.info(`[${packageCfg.description}]`, hitnText ,newVersionDesc);
- }
- statistical.countStartupTimes();
- },
- messages: {
- // 场景保存
- 'scene:saved'(event) {
- if(!this.is_init_finish) return;
- this.saveFileFromDelayTime();
- this.upCurrSceneChildrenInfo();
- },
- // 场景加载完
- 'scene:ready'(event) {
- if(!this.is_init_finish) return;
- this.upCurrSceneChildrenInfo();
- },
- // 预制节点加载完
- 'scene:enter-prefab-edit-mode'(event) {
- if(!this.is_init_finish) return;
- this.upCurrSceneChildrenInfo();
- },
- // 选择改变
- 'selection:activated'(event) {
- if(!this.is_init_finish ||this.is_not_select_active) return;
- // 阻止保存时tab乱切换
- if(this._isMoveDown || !this.isFocused()){
- this.openActiveFile(!this.is_save_wait_up && this.cfg.clickToViewCode,!this.is_save_wait_up);
- }
- },
- // 项目资源文件uuid发生改变
- 'asset-db:asset-uuid-changed'(event) {
- },
- // 项目资源文件发生改变
- 'asset-db:asset-changed'(event, info) {
- if(!this.is_init_finish || this.is_not_select_active) return;
- this.fileMgr.assetsChangedEvent(info);
- this.onAssetsChangedEvent(info);
- },
- // 项目资源创建
- 'asset-db:assets-created'(event, files) {
- if(!this.is_init_finish) return;
- if (!files && this.file_list_buffer) return;
- this.fileMgr.assetsCreatedEvent(files)
- this.onAssetsCreatedEvent(files);
- },
- // 项目文件被删除
- 'asset-db:assets-deleted'(event, files) {
- if(!this.is_init_finish) return;
- if (!files && this.file_list_buffer) return;
- this.fileMgr.assetsDeletedEvent(files)
- this.onAssetsDeletedEvent(files);
- },
- // 项目文件被移动了
- 'asset-db:assets-moved'(event, files)
- {
- if(!this.is_init_finish) return;
- if (!files) return;
- this.fileMgr.assetsMovedEvent(files)
- this.onAssetsMovedEvent(files);
- },
- 'open-code-file'(e,file){
- this.openOutSideFile(file,true)
- },
- // 快捷键打开当前选中文件/节点进入编辑
- 'custom-cmd'(event, info) {
- if(!this.is_init_finish) return;
- if (info.cmd == "openFile") {
- this.openActiveFile(true,false);
- } else if (info.cmd == "setting") {
- this.ace.openMenu();
- }
- }
- }
- };
- layer.initExtend();
- tools.extendTo(layer,vsEditorPanel);
- Editor.Panel.extend(layer);
- module.exports = layer;