123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197 |
- /*
- 面板扩展
- 功能: 生成 gettrs 和 setters
- 文档: https://github.com/WilsonGodoi/generate-getters-setters
- */
- 'use strict';
- const fe = Editor.require('packages://simple-code/tools/tools.js');
- module.exports = {
- /** @type import('../../panel/vs-panel/vs-panel-base') */
- parent : null,
- // 面板初始化
- onLoad(parent) {
- // index.js 对象
- this.parent = parent;
- // monaco 右击菜单
- this.parent.vs_editor.addAction({
- id: 'gettrs-settrs', // 菜单项 id
- label: fe.translate('gettrs-settrs'), // 菜单项名称
- // keybindings: [this.monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | this.monaco.KeyCode.KEY_J], // 绑定快捷键
- // A precondition for this action.
- precondition: 'editorHasSelection', // 选取状态才显示
- contextMenuGroupId: '9_cutcopypaste', // 所属菜单的分组
- contextMenuOrder: 9,
- run: this.handel.bind(this),
- })
- },
- handel() {
- // 获得编辑器
- const editor = this.parent.vs_editor;
- const model = editor.getModel();
- let languageInfo = model.getLanguageIdentifier();
- if(!languageInfo || languageInfo.language != 'typescript'){
- Editor.info(fe.translate('gettrs-setters-language'));
- return;
- }
- let code = ``;
- let reverse = false;
- // 获得选取的内容
- let selections = editor.getSelections();
- for (let selection of selections) {
- reverse = selection.getDirection();
- }
- // 选取位置反转
- if (reverse) {
- selections = selections.reverse();
- }
- // 合并选取的文本
- for (let selection of selections) {
- code += model.getValueInRange(selection);
- code += `\n`;
- }
- // 少于一定值则不执行
- if (code.length < 1) {
- Editor.info('No selected properties.');
- return;
- }
- try {
- // 创建代码
- var getterAndSetter = this.createGetterAndSetter(code);
- if(getterAndSetter == ''){
- Editor.info('Something went wrong! Try that the properties are in this format: "private name: string;"');
- return;
- }
- // 插入代码到后面
- // editor.edit(e => e.insert(selections[selections.length - 1].end, getterAndSetter));
- let select = selections[selections.length - 1];
- select = new Editor.monaco.Selection(select.endLineNumber,select.endColumn+1,select.endLineNumber,select.endColumn+1)
- let edits = [{
- range:select,
- text:'\n'+getterAndSetter,
- forceMoveMarkers:true,
- }]
- model.pushStackElement();
- model.pushEditOperations([select], edits, () => []);
- model.pushStackElement();
- }
- catch (error) {
- Editor.info('Something went wrong! Try that the properties are in this format: "private name: string;"');
- }
- },
- toCamelCase(str) {
- return str.replace(/\w+/g, w => w[0].toUpperCase() + w.slice(1));
- },
- createGetterAndSetter(textProperties) {
- // 用换行分割每个变量
- let rows = textProperties.split('\n').map(x => x.replace(';', ''));
- // 成员变量缓存
- let properties = [];
- for (let row of rows) {
- let s_i = row.indexOf('=');
- if(s_i != -1) row = row.substr(0,s_i);
- if (row.trim() !== "") { // 删除空行
- properties.push(row); // 记录
- }
- }
- let generatedCode = '';
- // 遍历成员
- for (let p in properties) {
- // 去掉空格或换行的前缀
- while (properties[p].startsWith(" ")) { properties[p] = properties[p].substr(1); }
- while (properties[p].startsWith("\t")) { properties[p] = properties[p].substr(1); }
- let words = [];
- if(properties[p].indexOf(':') == -1) continue;
- // 空格分割 private id:number
- let rows = properties[p].split(" ").map(x => x.replace('\r\n', ''));
- for (let row of rows) {
- if (row.trim() !== '') {
- words.push(row.replace('\r', '')); // 成员缓存分割信息
- }
- }
- let type, attribute, Attribute = "";
- let create = false;
- if(words[0] != 'public' && words[0] != 'private' && words[0] != 'protected'){
- // if words === ["name:", "string"];
- words.unshift('public');
- }
- // 解析成员组成
- // if words === ["private", "name:", "string"];
- if (words.length === 3) {
- let attributeArray = words[1].split(":");
- type = words[2];
- attribute = attributeArray[0];
- Attribute = this.toCamelCase(attribute);
- create = type;
- // if words === ["private", "name:string"];
- } else if (words.length === 2) {
- let array = words[1].split(":");
- type = array[1];
- attribute = array[0];
- Attribute = this.toCamelCase(attribute);
- create = type;
- // if words === ["private", "name", ":", "string"];
- } else if (words.length === 4) {
- let array = [];
- for (let word of words) {
- if (word !== ':') {
- array.push(word);
- }
- }
- type = array[2].trim();
- attribute = array[1];
- Attribute = this.toCamelCase(attribute);
- create = type;
- } else {
- Editor.info('Something went wrong! Try that the properties are in this format: "private name: string;"')
- generatedCode = ``;
- break;
- }
- if (create) {
- let code = `
- public ${(type === "Boolean" || type === "boolean" ? "is" : "get")}${Attribute}(): ${type} {
- return this.${attribute};
- }
- public set${Attribute}(${attribute}: ${type}): void {
- this.${attribute} = ${attribute};
- }
- `;
- generatedCode += code;
- }
- }
- return generatedCode;
- },
- /************* 事件 *************/
- messages: {
- },
- };