en.js 1.8 KB

  1. "use strict";
  2. module.exports = {
  3. updateWarn: "New version of User Guide extension is on. Check it in Cocos Store now. :)",
  4. generateSuccess: "UserGuide.ts has been generated successfully. Mount it on the Canvas node and call showGuide() or showGuideByGroup() method in your script.",
  5. title: "User Guide",
  6. step1: "First set nodes (or keys) and input guide texts",
  7. step2: "Then select a guide sign and a text bg image.",
  8. add: "Add",
  9. confirm: "Confirm",
  10. moveUp: "Up",
  11. moveDown: "Down",
  12. delete: "Del",
  13. guide: "Guide",
  14. guideSign: "Guide Sign",
  15. textBg: "Text Background",
  16. textPos: "Text Position",
  17. center: "Center",
  18. bottom: "Bottom",
  19. followGuidSign: "Follow the guide sign",
  20. goBack: "Back",
  21. noGuideArrayWarning: "There should be at least one guide.",
  22. emptyNodeTextGuideWarning: "Node and text can not both be empty in the guide.",
  23. emptyKeyTextGuideWarning: "Key and text can not both be empty in the guide.",
  24. touch: "Touch Guide",
  25. key: "Key Guide",
  26. keyHelp: "Please input the key name. Key names should be combined with +. E.g., CTRL_LEFT+KEY_G",
  27. keyError: "Key name not found, please make sure it exists: ",
  28. useLastGuide: "Use last guide",
  29. confirmUseLastGuide: "Current guide will be replaced. Do you confirm to use last guide?",
  30. lastGuideNotExisted: "Last user guide not existed.",
  31. dynacmicNodeError: "If you want dynamic nodes (prefabs) to be guided, please input the node's generating path",
  32. hierarchyError: "Failed to get the info of hierarchy.",
  33. sceneNameError: "Can't get the scene name. Will use scene uuid instead.",
  34. aliasRepeatError: "The aliases of these two guides are repeated: ",
  35. open_panel: "Default Panel",
  36. send_to_panel: "Send message to Default Panel",
  37. description: "Help you quickly generate a user guide."
  38. };