/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Distributed under the BSD license: * * Copyright (c) 2010, Ajax.org B.V. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Ajax.org B.V. nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AJAX.ORG B.V. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ if (typeof process !== "undefined") { ace_require("amd-loader"); ace_require("./test/mockdom"); } define(function(ace_require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var Editor = ace_require("./editor").Editor; var MockRenderer = ace_require("./test/mockrenderer").MockRenderer; var JavascriptMode = ace_require("./mode/javascript").Mode; ace_require("./multi_select"); ace_require("./ext/language_tools"); var snippetManager = ace_require("./snippets").snippetManager; var assert = ace_require("./test/assertions"); var config = ace_require("./config"); var loadModule = config.loadModule; module.exports = { setUp : function(next) { this.editor = new Editor(new MockRenderer()); next(); }, tearDown: function() { config.loadModule = loadModule; }, "test: textmate style format strings" : function() { snippetManager.tmStrFormat("hello", { guard: "(..)(.)(.)", flag:"g", fmt: "a\\UO\\l$1\\E$2" }) == "aOHElo"; }, "test: parse snipmate file" : function() { var expected = [{ name: "a", guard: "(?:(=)|(:))?\\s*)", trigger: "\\(?f", endTrigger: "\\)", endGuard: "", content: "{$0}\n" }, { tabTrigger: "f", name: "f function", content: "function" }]; var parsed = snippetManager.parseSnippetFile( "name a\nregex /(?:(=)|(:))?\\s*)/\\(?f/\\)/\n\t{$0}" + "\n\t\n\n#function\nsnippet f function\n\tfunction" ); assert.equal(JSON.stringify(expected, null, 4), JSON.stringify(parsed, null, 4)); }, "test: parse snippet": function() { var content = "-\\$$2a${1:x${$2:y$3\\}\\n\\}$TM_SELECTION}"; var tokens = snippetManager.tokenizeTmSnippet(content); assert.equal(tokens.length, 14); assert.equal(tokens[4], tokens[13]); assert.equal(tokens[2].tabstopId, 2); var content = "\\}${var/as\\/d/\\ul\\//g}s"; var tokens = snippetManager.tokenizeTmSnippet(content); snippetManager.resolveVariables(tokens, this.editor); assert.equal(tokens.length, 7); assert.equal(tokens[1], tokens[5]); assert.equal(tokens[6], "s"); assert.equal(tokens[1].text, "var"); assert.equal(tokens[1].fmt.length, 3); assert.equal(tokens[1].fmt[0].changeCase, "u"); assert.equal(tokens[1].fmt[1], "l"); assert.equal(tokens[1].fmt[2], "\\/"); assert.equal(tokens[1].guard, "as\\/d"); assert.equal(tokens[1].flag, "g"); }, "test: register snippets in json format": function() { config.loadModule = function() {}; this.editor.setOption("enableSnippets", true); this.editor.session.setMode(new JavascriptMode()); snippetManager.register({ "Snippet 1": { prefix: "xy", body: [ "x", "$0", "y" ] }, "Snippet 2": { prefix: "s", body: "$0expanded" } }, "javascript"); this.editor.execCommand("paste", "xy"); this.editor.onCommandKey(null, 0, 9); this.editor.execCommand("paste", "s"); this.editor.onCommandKey(null, 0, 9); assert.equal(this.editor.getValue(), "x\nexpanded\ny"); assert.position(this.editor.getCursorPosition(), 1, 0); }, "test: expand snippet with nested tabstops": function() { var content = "-${1}-${1:t\n1}--${2:2 ${3} 2}-${3:3 $1 3}-${4:4 $2 4}"; this.editor.setValue(""); snippetManager.insertSnippet(this.editor, content); assert.equal(this.editor.getValue(), [ "-t", "1-t", "1--2 3 t", "1 3 2-3 t", "1 3-4 2 3 t", "1 3 2 4" ].join("\n")); assert.equal(this.editor.getSelectedText(), "t\n1\nt\n1\nt\n1\nt\n1\nt\n1"); this.editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); assert.equal(this.editor.getSelectedText(), "2 3 t\n1 3 2\n2 3 t\n1 3 2"); this.editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); assert.equal(this.editor.getSelectedText(), "3 t\n1 3\n3 t\n1 3\n3 t\n1 3"); this.editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); assert.equal(this.editor.getSelectedText(), "4 2 3 t\n1 3 2 4"); this.editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); assert.equal(this.editor.getSelectedText(), ""); this.editor.setValue(""); snippetManager.insertSnippet(this.editor, "-${1:a$2}-${2:b$1}"); assert.equal(this.editor.getValue(), "-ab-ba"); assert.equal(this.editor.getSelectedText(), "ab\na"); this.editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); assert.equal(this.editor.getSelectedText(), "b\nba"); this.editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); assert.equal(this.editor.getSelectedText(), ""); }, "test prevent infinite recursion": function() { var editor = this.editor; editor.setValue(""); editor.setValue(""); editor.insertSnippet("CASE ${1:v} ${4:WHEN ${5:p} $10 $2$3\n$4\n" + "THEN ${6:r} } ${7:ELSE ${8:d}} END" ); assert.equal(this.editor.getValue(), "CASE v WHEN p \n\nTHEN r ELSE d END"); }, "test: nested format strings": function() { var editor = this.editor; editor.setValue(""); editor.insertSnippet([ "$1 -- ${1/(.)(\\d)?(\\w\\w?)?/", "${3:?", " letter is ${3/(.)/\\u$1/}, ${2:?number is $2: number is missing}:", " letter is missing ${2:? but number is $2: number is missing too}}," , " prefix is $1; text is ${0:/upcase};/g}", "$0" ].join("\n")); assert.equal(editor.getValue().length, 6); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "q"); assert.equal(editor.getValue().length, 82); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "1"); assert.equal(editor.getValue().length, 78); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "w"); assert.equal(editor.getValue().length, 70); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "a"); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "l"); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "s"); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "t"); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), [ "q1walst -- ", "", " letter is Wa, number is 1,", " prefix is q; text is Q1WA;", "", " letter is St, number is missing,", " prefix is l; text is LST;", "" ].join("\n")); }, "test: format if/else": function() { var editor = this.editor; var snippetText = [ "${CURRENT_LINE/.*/1 ${0:else}/i}", "${CURRENT_LINE/.*/2 ${0:-else}/i}", "${CURRENT_LINE/.*/3 ${0:+if}/i}", "${CURRENT_LINE/.*/4 ${0:?if:else}/i}", "${CURRENT_LINE/.*/5 ${0:/downcase}/i}" ].join("\n"); editor.setValue(""); editor.insertSnippet(snippetText); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "1 else\n2 else\n3 \n4 else\n5 "); editor.setValue("ACE"); editor.insertSnippet(snippetText); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "1 ACE\n2 ACE\n3 if\n4 if\n5 ace"); }, "test: file paths": function() { var editor = this.editor; snippetManager.variables.FILEPATH = function() { return "/dir/base name.ext"; }; editor.setValue(""); editor.insertSnippet( "${TM_FILENAME/^(.)|(?:[-_\\s](.))|(\\.\\w*$)/${1:/upcase}${2:/upcase}/g}" + "\n$FILENAME_BASE\n$DIRECTORY\n$FILEPATH\n$FILENAME" ); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "BaseName\nbase name\n/dir/\n/dir/base name.ext\nbase name.ext"); }, "test: selected text": function() { var editor = this.editor; editor.setValue("foo\nbar"); editor.selectAll(); editor.insertSnippet("
"); editor.insertSnippet("
"); editor.insertSnippet("${1:$TM_SELECTED_TEXT}"); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), [ "
", "
", " foo", " bar", "
", "
" ].join("\n")); }, "test: date variables": function() { var editor = this.editor; editor.setValue("foo\nbar"); editor.selectAll(); var D = Date; var d = new Date(0); d.setHours(4); d.setMinutes(0); Date = function() { return d; }; // eslint-disable-line try { editor.insertSnippet([ "$CURRENT_YEAR", "$CURRENT_YEAR_SHORT", "$CURRENT_MONTH", "$CURRENT_MONTH_NAME", "$CURRENT_MONTH_NAME_SHORT", "$CURRENT_DATE", "$CURRENT_DAY_NAME", "$CURRENT_DAY_NAME_SHORT", "$CURRENT_HOUR", "$CURRENT_MINUTE", "$CURRENT_SECOND" ].join("\n")); } finally { Date = D; // eslint-disable-line } assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "1970\n70\n01\nJanuary\nJan\n01\nThursday\nThu\n04\n00\n00"); }, "test: choice": function() { var editor = this.editor; editor.setValue(""); editor.insertSnippet("${3:${1|and\\|\\,\\\\,another,trigger|} ${2:$1}}"); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "and|,\\ and|,\\"); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "q"); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "q q"); this.editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "s"); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "q s"); this.editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "t"); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "t"); }, "test: deletion": function() { var editor = this.editor; editor.setValue(""); editor.insertSnippet("CASE ${1:value} ${4:WHEN ${5:option2} " + "THEN ${6:result2}} ${7:ELSE ${8:default}} END" ); editor.onCommandKey(null, 0, 9); editor.onCommandKey(null, 0, 8); editor.onCommandKey(null, 0, 9); assert.equal(editor.getSelectedText(), "ELSE default"); editor.onCommandKey(null, 4, 9); assert.equal(editor.getSelectedText(), ""); editor.onCommandKey(null, 4, 9); assert.equal(editor.getSelectedText(), "value"); assert.ok(editor.tabstopManager); editor.onCommandKey(null, 0, 27); assert.ok(!editor.tabstopManager); }, "test: multiple cursors": function() { var editor = this.editor; editor.setValue("\n"); editor.selection.splitIntoLines(); editor.insertSnippet("a-${1:1}-\na-$1-\n${2:x}"); editor.insertSnippet("b=$1-\na-${1:2}-\n${2:y}"); editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); assert.equal(editor.getCopyText(), "y\ny\ny\ny"); editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); assert.equal(editor.getCopyText(), "x\nx"); editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(-4); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "."); editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(2); assert.equal(editor.tabstopManager, null); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "a-.-\na-.-\nx\na-.-\na-.-\nx"); }, "test: insert snippet inside snippet": function() { var editor = this.editor; editor.session.setValue(""); editor.insertSnippet("1+${1:-}\n1+$1\ne+${2:end}"); editor.insertSnippet("2+${1:-}\n2+$1\n3+${2:3}"); function testTabstop(tabstop, expected) { assert.equal(tabstop.join().replace(/Range: | -/g, ""), expected); } var tabstops = editor.tabstopManager.tabstops; testTabstop(tabstops[0], "[6/5]> [6/5]"); testTabstop(tabstops[1], "[0/2]> [2/3],[3/2]> [5/3]"); testTabstop(tabstops[2], "[4/2]> [4/3],[3/4]> [3/5],[0/4]> [0/5],[1/2]> [1/3]"); testTabstop(tabstops[3], "[5/2]> [5/3],[2/2]> [2/3]"); testTabstop(tabstops[4], "[5/3]> [5/3],[2/3]> [2/3]"); testTabstop(tabstops[5], "[6/2]> [6/5]"); }, "test: linking": function() { var editor = this.editor; editor.setOption("enableMultiselect", false); editor.setValue(""); editor.insertSnippet("${1:x} $1 $1"); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "x x x"); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "qt"); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "qt qt qt"); this.editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); editor.execCommand("insertstring", "."); assert.equal(editor.getValue(), "qt qt qt."); } }; }); if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module === ace_require.main) { ace_require("asyncjs").test.testcase(module.exports).exec(); }