/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Distributed under the BSD license: * * Copyright (c) 2010, Ajax.org B.V. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Ajax.org B.V. nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AJAX.ORG B.V. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define(function(ace_require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var bidiUtil = ace_require("./lib/bidiutil"); var lang = ace_require("./lib/lang"); var bidiRE = /[\u0590-\u05f4\u0600-\u06ff\u0700-\u08ac\u202B]/; /** * This object is used to ensure Bi-Directional support (for languages with text flowing from right to left, like Arabic or Hebrew) * including correct caret positioning, text selection mouse and keyboard arrows functioning * @class BidiHandler **/ /** * Creates a new `BidiHandler` object * @param {EditSession} session The session to use * * @constructor **/ var BidiHandler = function(session) { this.session = session; this.bidiMap = {}; /* current screen row */ this.currentRow = null; this.bidiUtil = bidiUtil; /* Arabic/Hebrew character width differs from regular character width */ this.charWidths = []; this.EOL = "\xAC"; this.showInvisibles = true; this.isRtlDir = false; this.$isRtl = false; this.line = ""; this.wrapIndent = 0; this.EOF = "\xB6"; this.RLE = "\u202B"; this.contentWidth = 0; this.fontMetrics = null; this.rtlLineOffset = 0; this.wrapOffset = 0; this.isMoveLeftOperation = false; this.seenBidi = bidiRE.test(session.getValue()); }; (function() { /** * Returns 'true' if row contains Bidi characters, in such case * creates Bidi map to be used in operations related to selection * (keyboard arrays, mouse click, select) * @param {Number} the screen row to be checked * @param {Number} the document row to be checked [optional] * @param {Number} the wrapped screen line index [ optional] **/ this.isBidiRow = function(screenRow, docRow, splitIndex) { if (!this.seenBidi) return false; if (screenRow !== this.currentRow) { this.currentRow = screenRow; this.updateRowLine(docRow, splitIndex); this.updateBidiMap(); } return this.bidiMap.bidiLevels; }; this.onChange = function(delta) { if (!this.seenBidi) { if (delta.action == "insert" && bidiRE.test(delta.lines.join("\n"))) { this.seenBidi = true; this.currentRow = null; } } else { this.currentRow = null; } }; this.getDocumentRow = function() { var docRow = 0; var rowCache = this.session.$screenRowCache; if (rowCache.length) { var index = this.session.$getRowCacheIndex(rowCache, this.currentRow); if (index >= 0) docRow = this.session.$docRowCache[index]; } return docRow; }; this.getSplitIndex = function() { var splitIndex = 0; var rowCache = this.session.$screenRowCache; if (rowCache.length) { var currentIndex, prevIndex = this.session.$getRowCacheIndex(rowCache, this.currentRow); while (this.currentRow - splitIndex > 0) { currentIndex = this.session.$getRowCacheIndex(rowCache, this.currentRow - splitIndex - 1); if (currentIndex !== prevIndex) break; prevIndex = currentIndex; splitIndex++; } } else { splitIndex = this.currentRow; } return splitIndex; }; this.updateRowLine = function(docRow, splitIndex) { if (docRow === undefined) docRow = this.getDocumentRow(); var isLastRow = (docRow === this.session.getLength() - 1), endOfLine = isLastRow ? this.EOF : this.EOL; this.wrapIndent = 0; this.line = this.session.getLine(docRow); this.isRtlDir = this.$isRtl || this.line.charAt(0) === this.RLE; if (this.session.$useWrapMode) { var splits = this.session.$wrapData[docRow]; if (splits) { if (splitIndex === undefined) splitIndex = this.getSplitIndex(); if(splitIndex > 0 && splits.length) { this.wrapIndent = splits.indent; this.wrapOffset = this.wrapIndent * this.charWidths[bidiUtil.L]; this.line = (splitIndex < splits.length) ? this.line.substring(splits[splitIndex - 1], splits[splitIndex]) : this.line.substring(splits[splits.length - 1]); } else { this.line = this.line.substring(0, splits[splitIndex]); } } if (splitIndex == splits.length) this.line += (this.showInvisibles) ? endOfLine : bidiUtil.DOT; } else { this.line += this.showInvisibles ? endOfLine : bidiUtil.DOT; } /* replace tab and wide characters by commensurate spaces */ var session = this.session, shift = 0, size; this.line = this.line.replace(/\t|[\u1100-\u2029, \u202F-\uFFE6]/g, function(ch, i){ if (ch === '\t' || session.isFullWidth(ch.charCodeAt(0))) { size = (ch === '\t') ? session.getScreenTabSize(i + shift) : 2; shift += size - 1; return lang.stringRepeat(bidiUtil.DOT, size); } return ch; }); if (this.isRtlDir) { this.fontMetrics.$main.textContent = (this.line.charAt(this.line.length - 1) == bidiUtil.DOT) ? this.line.substr(0, this.line.length - 1) : this.line; this.rtlLineOffset = this.contentWidth - this.fontMetrics.$main.getBoundingClientRect().width; } }; this.updateBidiMap = function() { var textCharTypes = []; if (bidiUtil.hasBidiCharacters(this.line, textCharTypes) || this.isRtlDir) { this.bidiMap = bidiUtil.doBidiReorder(this.line, textCharTypes, this.isRtlDir); } else { this.bidiMap = {}; } }; /** * Resets stored info related to current screen row **/ this.markAsDirty = function() { this.currentRow = null; }; /** * Updates array of character widths * @param {Object} font metrics * **/ this.updateCharacterWidths = function(fontMetrics) { if (this.characterWidth === fontMetrics.$characterSize.width) return; this.fontMetrics = fontMetrics; var characterWidth = this.characterWidth = fontMetrics.$characterSize.width; var bidiCharWidth = fontMetrics.$measureCharWidth("\u05d4"); this.charWidths[bidiUtil.L] = this.charWidths[bidiUtil.EN] = this.charWidths[bidiUtil.ON_R] = characterWidth; this.charWidths[bidiUtil.R] = this.charWidths[bidiUtil.AN] = bidiCharWidth; this.charWidths[bidiUtil.R_H] = bidiCharWidth * 0.45; this.charWidths[bidiUtil.B] = this.charWidths[bidiUtil.RLE] = 0; this.currentRow = null; }; this.setShowInvisibles = function(showInvisibles) { this.showInvisibles = showInvisibles; this.currentRow = null; }; this.setEolChar = function(eolChar) { this.EOL = eolChar; }; this.setContentWidth = function(width) { this.contentWidth = width; }; this.isRtlLine = function(row) { if (this.$isRtl) return true; if (row != undefined) return (this.session.getLine(row).charAt(0) == this.RLE); else return this.isRtlDir; }; this.setRtlDirection = function(editor, isRtlDir) { var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); for (var row = editor.selection.getSelectionAnchor().row; row <= cursor.row; row++) { if (!isRtlDir && editor.session.getLine(row).charAt(0) === editor.session.$bidiHandler.RLE) editor.session.doc.removeInLine(row, 0, 1); else if (isRtlDir && editor.session.getLine(row).charAt(0) !== editor.session.$bidiHandler.RLE) editor.session.doc.insert({column: 0, row: row}, editor.session.$bidiHandler.RLE); } }; /** * Returns offset of character at position defined by column. * @param {Number} the screen column position * * @return {int} horizontal pixel offset of given screen column **/ this.getPosLeft = function(col) { col -= this.wrapIndent; var leftBoundary = (this.line.charAt(0) === this.RLE) ? 1 : 0; var logicalIdx = (col > leftBoundary) ? (this.session.getOverwrite() ? col : col - 1) : leftBoundary; var visualIdx = bidiUtil.getVisualFromLogicalIdx(logicalIdx, this.bidiMap), levels = this.bidiMap.bidiLevels, left = 0; if (!this.session.getOverwrite() && col <= leftBoundary && levels[visualIdx] % 2 !== 0) visualIdx++; for (var i = 0; i < visualIdx; i++) { left += this.charWidths[levels[i]]; } if (!this.session.getOverwrite() && (col > leftBoundary) && (levels[visualIdx] % 2 === 0)) left += this.charWidths[levels[visualIdx]]; if (this.wrapIndent) left += this.isRtlDir ? (-1 * this.wrapOffset) : this.wrapOffset; if (this.isRtlDir) left += this.rtlLineOffset; return left; }; /** * Returns 'selections' - array of objects defining set of selection rectangles * @param {Number} the start column position * @param {Number} the end column position * * @return {Array of Objects} Each object contains 'left' and 'width' values defining selection rectangle. **/ this.getSelections = function(startCol, endCol) { var map = this.bidiMap, levels = map.bidiLevels, level, selections = [], offset = 0, selColMin = Math.min(startCol, endCol) - this.wrapIndent, selColMax = Math.max(startCol, endCol) - this.wrapIndent, isSelected = false, isSelectedPrev = false, selectionStart = 0; if (this.wrapIndent) offset += this.isRtlDir ? (-1 * this.wrapOffset) : this.wrapOffset; for (var logIdx, visIdx = 0; visIdx < levels.length; visIdx++) { logIdx = map.logicalFromVisual[visIdx]; level = levels[visIdx]; isSelected = (logIdx >= selColMin) && (logIdx < selColMax); if (isSelected && !isSelectedPrev) { selectionStart = offset; } else if (!isSelected && isSelectedPrev) { selections.push({left: selectionStart, width: offset - selectionStart}); } offset += this.charWidths[level]; isSelectedPrev = isSelected; } if (isSelected && (visIdx === levels.length)) { selections.push({left: selectionStart, width: offset - selectionStart}); } if(this.isRtlDir) { for (var i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) { selections[i].left += this.rtlLineOffset; } } return selections; }; /** * Converts character coordinates on the screen to respective document column number * @param {int} character horizontal offset * * @return {Number} screen column number corresponding to given pixel offset **/ this.offsetToCol = function(posX) { if(this.isRtlDir) posX -= this.rtlLineOffset; var logicalIdx = 0, posX = Math.max(posX, 0), offset = 0, visualIdx = 0, levels = this.bidiMap.bidiLevels, charWidth = this.charWidths[levels[visualIdx]]; if (this.wrapIndent) posX -= this.isRtlDir ? (-1 * this.wrapOffset) : this.wrapOffset; while(posX > offset + charWidth/2) { offset += charWidth; if(visualIdx === levels.length - 1) { /* quit when we on the right of the last character, flag this by charWidth = 0 */ charWidth = 0; break; } charWidth = this.charWidths[levels[++visualIdx]]; } if (visualIdx > 0 && (levels[visualIdx - 1] % 2 !== 0) && (levels[visualIdx] % 2 === 0)){ /* Bidi character on the left and None Bidi character on the right */ if(posX < offset) visualIdx--; logicalIdx = this.bidiMap.logicalFromVisual[visualIdx]; } else if (visualIdx > 0 && (levels[visualIdx - 1] % 2 === 0) && (levels[visualIdx] % 2 !== 0)){ /* None Bidi character on the left and Bidi character on the right */ logicalIdx = 1 + ((posX > offset) ? this.bidiMap.logicalFromVisual[visualIdx] : this.bidiMap.logicalFromVisual[visualIdx - 1]); } else if ((this.isRtlDir && visualIdx === levels.length - 1 && charWidth === 0 && (levels[visualIdx - 1] % 2 === 0)) || (!this.isRtlDir && visualIdx === 0 && (levels[visualIdx] % 2 !== 0))){ /* To the right of last character, which is None Bidi, in RTL direction or */ /* to the left of first Bidi character, in LTR direction */ logicalIdx = 1 + this.bidiMap.logicalFromVisual[visualIdx]; } else { /* Tweak visual position when Bidi character on the left in order to map it to corresponding logical position */ if (visualIdx > 0 && (levels[visualIdx - 1] % 2 !== 0) && charWidth !== 0) visualIdx--; /* Regular case */ logicalIdx = this.bidiMap.logicalFromVisual[visualIdx]; } if (logicalIdx === 0 && this.isRtlDir) logicalIdx++; return (logicalIdx + this.wrapIndent); }; }).call(BidiHandler.prototype); exports.BidiHandler = BidiHandler; });