module.exports = { 'name': 'Skeleton Viewer', 'view': 'View', 'settings': 'Settings', 'checkUpdate': 'Check Update', // update 'currentLatest': 'Currently the latest version!', 'hasNewVersion': 'New version found!', 'localVersion': 'Local version: ', 'latestVersion': 'Latest version: ', 'releases': 'Releases:', 'cocosStore': 'Cocos Store:', // main 'skeletonAssets': 'Spine Assets', 'selectAssets': 'Select skeleton assets', 'noAssets': 'No assets selected', 'noSkeleton': 'No skeleton asset selected!', 'noTexture': 'No texture assets found!', 'noAtlas': 'No atlas assets found!', // view 'skin': 'Skin', 'animation': 'Animation', 'viewScale': 'View Scale', 'loop': 'Loop', 'premultipliedAlpha': 'Premultiplied Alpha', 'timeScale': 'Time Scale', 'drawBones': 'Draw Bones', 'drawBoundingBoxes': 'Draw Bounding Boxes', 'drawMeshTriangles': 'Draw Mesh Triangles', 'drawPaths': 'Draw Paths', 'spineRuntime': 'Spine Runtime', 'version': 'Version', 'noVersion': 'Cannot identify the version of the asset!', 'noSpineRuntime': 'Target version of spine runtime is missing!', 'noWebGL': 'WebGL is unavailable!', 'noSkeletonData': 'Lack of skeleton data!', 'dataMismatch': 'Data mismatch! Please check the selection!', 'reset': 'Reset', 'reposition': 'Reposition', 'canvasColor': 'Canvas Color', // settings 'none': 'None', 'selectKey': 'Hotkey', 'selectKeyTooltip': 'Choose a hotkey', 'customKey': 'Custom', 'customKeyPlaceholder': 'Choose a hotkey above or customize one by yourself', 'customKeyTooltip': 'You can also customize your own hotkey', 'autoCheck': 'Auto Check Update', 'autoCheckTooltip': 'Check if there is a new version when the extension is loaded', 'reference': '· Hotkey customization reference: ', 'accelerator': 'Keyboard Shortcuts', 'repository': '· Git repository of this extension: ', 'apply': 'Apply', 'quoteError': 'Do not use double quotes!', 'customKeyError': 'Please specify a hotkey!', };