en.js 4.8 KB

  1. module.exports = {
  2. /**
  3. * menu
  4. */
  5. 'name': 'Quick Editor',
  6. 'open': 'Open',
  7. 'preview': 'Preview',
  8. 'setting': 'Setting',
  9. 'set-panel': 'Settings Panel',
  10. 'set-ex': 'Set Extensions',
  11. 'set-new-file': 'Set New File Template',
  12. 'set-key-map': 'Set Shortcuts',
  13. 'set-other': 'Set Other',
  14. 'set-edit-suggest': 'Set Edit Suggest',
  15. 'set-drag-var-rule': 'Set Drag Var Rule',
  16. 'set-format-prettier': 'Set Prettier Format Rule',
  17. 'search': 'Search',
  18. 'open-asset': 'Open Asset (V)',
  19. 'goto-asset': 'Goto Asset (F)',
  20. 'global-search': 'Global Search Script',
  21. 'search-unused-assets': 'Search Unused Assets',
  22. 'debug': 'Debug',
  23. 'exec-cmd': 'Exec Command',
  24. 'refresh-preview': 'Refresh Preview',
  25. 'edit': 'Edit',
  26. 'switch-editor-window': 'Switch Editor Window (C)',
  27. 'batch-rename': 'Batch-Rename (D)',
  28. 'batch-binding-component': 'Batch Binding Component (G)',
  29. 'batch-insert-prefab': 'Batch Insert Prefab (A)',
  30. 'add-next-occurrence-node': 'Add Next Occurrence Node (S)',
  31. 'batch-search': 'Batch Search (F)',
  32. 'new-file-and-bind-node': 'New File And Bind Node',
  33. 'open-code': 'Open Code | Unlock Edit',
  34. 'folder-bind-shortcuts': 'Folder Bind Shortcuts (alt+0~9)',
  35. 'shortcut-jump-folder': 'Shortcut Jump Folder (0~9)',
  36. 'double-click-edit-text': 'Double Click Edit Text(F2)',
  37. 'shear-files': 'Shear Files (X)',
  38. 'paste-files': 'Paste Files (C)',
  39. 'delete-node-and-script': 'Delete Node And Script',
  40. 'load-custom-widgets-to-code' : 'Load Custom Widgets To Code',
  41. 'project-manage': 'Project Manage',
  42. 'open-project-directory': 'Open Project Directory',
  43. 'open-project-to-external-editor': 'Open Project To External Editor',
  44. 'open-project-in-creator': 'Open Project In Creator',
  45. 'contact-author':"联系作者",
  46. /**
  47. * UI
  48. */
  49. 'lock-tab': 'PinTab',
  50. 'lock-win': 'LockWin',
  51. 'cmd-mode': 'Debug',
  52. 'manual-compile': 'Comp',
  53. 'goto-file-btn': 'Goto',
  54. 'set': 'Set',
  55. 'reset': 'Reset',
  56. /**
  57. * Settings Panel
  58. */
  59. 'theme': 'Theme',
  60. 'language': 'Language',
  61. 'newFileType': 'New File Format',
  62. 'fontSize': 'Font Size',
  63. 'fontFamily': 'Font Family',
  64. 'fontWeight': 'Font Weight',
  65. 'wordWrap': 'Word Wrap',
  66. 'keyboardHandler': 'keyboard Handler',
  67. 'minimapStyle': 'Minimap Style',
  68. 'minimapSide': 'Minimap Side',
  69. 'enabledRainbow': 'Enabled Rainbow',
  70. 'enabledBracketColor': 'Enabled Bracket Color',
  71. 'smoothScrolling': 'Smooth Scrolling',
  72. 'cursorSmoothCaretAnimation': 'Cursor Smooth Caret Animation',
  73. 'enabledCCColor': 'Enabled CC Color',
  74. 'enabledDebugBtn': 'Enabled Debug Btn',
  75. 'enabledConsoleBtn': 'Enabled Console Btn',
  76. 'clickToViewCode': 'Click To View Code',
  77. 'scrollPredominantAxis': 'Scroll Predominant Axis',
  78. 'codeCompileMode': 'Code Compile Mode',
  79. 'whenSave': 'After The Save',
  80. 'whenBlur': 'After The Blur',
  81. 'ManualComp': 'Manually Compile',
  82. 'autoSaveFile': 'Auto Save',
  83. 'readCodeMode': 'Read Code Mode',
  84. 'auto' :'Auto',
  85. 'allImport' :'All Loading(JS recommend)',
  86. 'atImportTo' :'Loaded When Import(TS recommend)',
  87. 'enabledVim': 'Enabled Vim',
  88. 'renameConverImportPath': 'Rename Conver Import Path',
  89. 'enabledJsGlobalSugges': 'Enabled Js Global Sugges',
  90. 'enabledTsGlobalSugges': 'Enabled Ts Global Sugges',
  91. 'enabledNpmDir': 'EnabledNpmDir',
  92. 'tabSize': 'Tab Size',
  93. 'insertSpaces': 'Insert Spaces',
  94. 'detectIndentation': 'Detect Indentation',
  95. 'formatOnPaste': 'Format on Paste',
  96. 'formatOnSaveFile': 'Format on Save File',
  97. 'autoLayoutMin': 'Auto Layout Min %',
  98. 'autoLayoutMax': 'Auto Layout Max %',
  99. 'userHabit': 'User Habit',
  100. 'fix': 'fix',
  101. 'autoLayoutDt': 'Auto Layout Effect Dt',
  102. 'autoLayoutDelay': 'Auto Layout Delay',
  103. 'titleBarFontSize': 'Title Bar Font Size',
  104. 'tabBarPos': 'Tab Bar Pos',
  105. 'hideToolsBar': 'Hide Tools Bar',
  106. 'isCheckUpdater': 'Is Check Updater',
  107. 'isQuickDrag': 'Is Quick Drag',
  108. 'enabledFormatFromPrettier':'Enabled Format From Prettier',
  109. /**
  110. * other
  111. */
  112. 'global-search-hint' : 'Please enter a global search',
  113. 'no-relevant-content-found' : 'No relevant content found',
  114. 'close': 'Close',
  115. 'close-others': 'Close Others',
  116. 'close-all': 'Close All',
  117. 'copy-path': 'Copy Path',
  118. 'reveal-in-finder': 'Reveal in Finder',
  119. 'reveal-in-side-bar': 'Reveal in Side Bar',
  120. 'gettrs-setters-language': 'Only TS script generation is supported getter And setter',
  121. 'gettrs-settrs': 'Generate Getters And Setters',
  122. 'quickly-drop-component':'Quickly Drop Component',
  123. 'drop-component':'Drop Components',
  124. 'quickly-drop-asset':'Quickly Drop Asset',
  125. 'drop-asset':'Drop Asset',
  126. 'new-script-bind':'New Script And Bind',
  127. 'new-script-templet':'New Script',
  128. 'cc-goto-widget-event' : 'Goto Component Event'
  129. };