All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- fix #284 by setting function name in try-catch (f2a60f2)
- enforce Conventional Commit style commit messages (#282) (cc9a182)
- remove mistakenly added typescript dependency, rollback version (standard-version will auto-increment) (09fa824)
- use msCrypto if available. Fixes #241 (#247) (1fef18b)
- (fix) Add .npmignore file to exclude test/ and other non-essential files from packing. (#183)
- Fix typo (#178)
- Simple typo fix (#165)
- v5 support in CLI (#197)
- V5 support (#188)
- split uuid versions into separate files
- remove .parse and .unparse
- Improved module context detection
- Removed public RNG functions
- Improve tests and handling of v1() options (Issue #24)
- Expose RNG option to allow for perf testing with different generators
- Support for version 1 ids, thanks to @ctavan!
- Support for node.js crypto API
- De-emphasizing performance in favor of a) cryptographic quality PRNGs where available and b) more manageable code