/* Copyright 2015-2016 PayPal, Inc. */ "use strict"; var http = require('http'); var https = require('https'); var querystring = require('querystring'); var configuration = require('./configure'); var semver = require('semver'); /** * Wraps the http client, handles request parameters, populates request headers, handles response * @param {String} http_method HTTP Method GET/POST * @param {String} path url endpoint * @param {Object} data Payload for HTTP Request * @param {Object} http_options_param Configuration parameters * @param {Function} cb [description] */ var invoke = exports.invoke = function invoke(http_method, path, data, http_options_param, cb) { var client = (http_options_param.schema === 'http') ? http : https; var request_data = data; if (http_method === 'GET') { //format object parameters into GET request query string if (typeof request_data !== 'string') { request_data = querystring.stringify(request_data); } if (request_data) { path = path + "?" + request_data; request_data = ""; } } else if (typeof request_data !== 'string') { request_data = JSON.stringify(request_data); } var http_options = {}; if (http_options_param) { http_options = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(http_options_param)); if (!http_options.headers) { http_options.headers = {}; } http_options.path = path; http_options.method = http_method; if (request_data) { http_options.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(request_data, 'utf-8'); } if (!http_options.headers.Accept) { http_options.headers.Accept = 'application/json'; } if (!http_options.headers['Content-Type']) { http_options.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; } http_options.headers['User-Agent'] = configuration.userAgent; http_options.withCredentials = false; } // Enable full request response logging in development/non-production environment only if (configuration.default_options.mode !== 'live' && process.env.PAYPAL_DEBUG) { console.dir(JSON.stringify(http_options.headers)); console.dir(request_data); } //PCI compliance if (process.versions !== undefined && process.versions.openssl !== undefined && semver.lt(process.versions.openssl.slice(0, 5), '1.0.1')) { console.warn('WARNING: openssl version ' + process.versions.openssl + ' detected. Per PCI Security Council mandate (https://github.com/paypal/TLS-update), you MUST update to the latest security library.'); } var req = client.request(http_options); req.on('error', function (e) { console.log('problem with request: ' + e.message); cb(e, null); }); req.on('response', function (res) { var response = ''; //do not setEndcoding with browserify if (res.setEncoding) { res.setEncoding('utf8'); } res.on('data', function (chunk) { response += chunk; }); res.on('end', function () { var err = null; try { //export PAYPAL_DEBUG to development to get access to paypal-debug-id //for questions to merchant technical services. if (res.headers['paypal-debug-id'] !== undefined && process.env.PAYPAL_DEBUG) { console.log('paypal-debug-id: ' + res.headers['paypal-debug-id']); if (configuration.default_options.mode !== 'live') { console.dir(JSON.stringify(res.headers)); console.dir(response); } } // Set response to an empty object if no data was received if (response.trim() === '') { response = {}; } else if (typeof res.headers['content-type'] === "string" && res.headers['content-type'].match(/^application\/json(?:;.*)?$/) !== null) { // Set response to be parsed JSON object if data received is json // expect that content-type header has application/json when it // returns data response = JSON.parse(response); } response.httpStatusCode = res.statusCode; } catch (e) { err = new Error('Invalid JSON Response Received. If the response received is empty, please check' + 'the httpStatusCode attribute of error message for 401 or 403. It is possible that the client credentials' + 'are invalid for the environment you are using, be it live or sandbox.'); err.error = { name: 'Invalid JSON Response Received, JSON Parse Error.' }; err.response = response; err.httpStatusCode = res.statusCode; response = null; } if (!err && (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode >= 300)) { err = new Error('Response Status : ' + res.statusCode); // response contains the full json description of the error // that PayPal returns and information link err.response = response; if (process.env.PAYPAL_DEBUG) { err.response_stringified = JSON.stringify(response); } err.httpStatusCode = res.statusCode; response = null; } cb(err, response); }); }); if (request_data) { req.write(request_data); } req.end(); };