123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471 |
- local schema = require "model.schema"
- local logger = require "logger"
- local common_fun = require "model.common_fun"
- local module_fun = require "model.module_fun"
- local asset = require "model.asset"
- local payment = require "model.payment"
- local reward = require "model.reward"
- local stringify = require "stringify"
- -- local keygen = require "model.keygen"
- local embattle
- local equip
- -- local altar
- local logger_trace = logger.trace
- local table_insert = table.insert
- local math_min = math.min
- local MAX_NUM = 999999999999 -- 英雄最大堆叠数量
- local MAX_UPGRADE = 1000 -- 最大升级数量
- local module_name = "hero"
- local _M = schema.new(module_name, {
- list = {
- --[[
- [sid] = {
- sid = 类型id,
- id = 模板id,
- lv = 1,
- equip = {穿戴的装备}
- }
- ]]
- },
- })
- local REQUEST = {}
- local CMD = {}
- local MODULE = {}
- local THIS = {}
- local tm_list = {}
- tm_list.hero_onekey_upgrade_star = 0
- local function func_ret(fname, character, args)
- local f = THIS[fname]
- if not f then
- logger.error("func_ret not fname:%s !!!", fname)
- return {errno = STD_ERR.COMMON_SYS_ERR}
- end
- if tm_list[fname] then
- local now = os.time()
- if now - tm_list[fname] == 0 then
- return {errno = STD_ERR.COMMON_CLICK_TOO_FAST} -- 点击太快了
- else
- tm_list[fname] = now
- end
- end
- local errno, ret = f(character, args)
- if errno ~= 0 then
- return {errno = errno}
- end
- ret = ret or {}
- ret.errno = 0
- return ret
- end
- function MODULE.list_request_interests() return REQUEST end
- function MODULE.list_command_interests() return CMD end
- -- TODO: 解析/升级模块数据 在这里把数据初始化好
- function MODULE.parse(character)
- local d = _M.load(character)
- d.list = d.list or {}
- end
- -- TODO: 侦听事件
- function MODULE.monitor(character)
- end
- -- TODO: 类似泰利的 prepare 接口
- function MODULE.launch(character)
- local d = _M.assert_get(character)
- local u = _M.assert_runtime(character)
- embattle = embattle or require "model.embattle"
- equip = equip or require "model.equip"
- -- altar = altar or require "model.altar"
- end
- -- TODO: 与客户端同步数据
- function MODULE.ready(character)
- local d = _M.assert_get(character)
- end
- -- TODO: 玩家下线时的处理
- function MODULE.saybye(character)
- end
- function MODULE.add_hero(character, id, num, collect, dispose, addition)
- local d = _M.assert_get(character) or {}
- local role_conf_list = assert(asset.RoleConfig_proto, "RoleConfig_proto")
- local conf = role_conf_list[id]
- if not conf and dispose then
- dispose(nil, id, num)
- return
- end
- if num >= 1 and num <= MAX_NUM then
- local add_num = num
- local hero_type = tostring(common_fun.get_hero_type(id))
- if not d.list[hero_type] then
- d.list[hero_type] = {
- sid = hero_type,
- id = id,
- lv = 1,
- num = 0,
- }
- add_num = num -1;
- end
- d.list[hero_type].num = d.list[hero_type].num + add_num
- character.dispatch("hero_add_num", id, num)
- collect(GOODS_HERO, d.list[hero_type])
- addition(GOODS_HERO, id, add_num)
- _M.persist(character)
- return true, add_num
- else
- if dispose then
- dispose(nil, id, num)
- end
- end
- end
- function MODULE.hero_check(character, sid)
- local d = _M.assert_get(character)
- return d.list[sid] and true or false
- end
- function MODULE.hero_get(character, sid)
- local d = _M.assert_get(character)
- return d.list[sid]
- end
- function MODULE.hero_get_list(character)
- local d = _M.assert_get(character)
- return d.list
- end
- function MODULE.hero_save(character)
- _M.persist(character)
- end
- function THIS.hero_get_data(character, args)
- local d = _M.assert_get(character)
- local ret = {}
- -- local altar_info = altar.get_altar_info(character)
- -- local altar_battle = altar.get_altar_battle_info(character)
- for sid, data in pairs(d.list) do
- -- if altar_battle[sid] then
- -- local temp = altar.altar_change_hero_info(altar_info, data)
- -- table.insert(ret, temp)
- -- else
- -- table.insert(ret, data)
- -- end
- table.insert(ret, data)
- end
- return 0, {list = ret}
- end
- local function get_max_upgrade(character, cur_lv, max_lv)
- local max_lv = max_lv or cur_lv + MAX_UPGRADE
- local level_conf_list = assert(asset.RoleLevelConfig_proto, "RoleLevelConfig_proto")
- local num = 0
- local goods_list = {}
- local flag = true
- for lv = cur_lv+1, max_lv do
- local level_conf = level_conf_list[lv]
- if not level_conf then
- break
- end
- for i = 1, #level_conf.goods do
- local item_id = level_conf.goods[i]
- local item_num = level_conf.goodNum[i]
- if not item_id or not item_num or item_id <=0 or item_num <= 0 then
- break
- end
- if not goods_list[item_id] then
- goods_list[item_id] = module_fun.get_goods_num(character, item_id)
- end
- if goods_list[item_id] < item_num then
- flag = false
- break
- end
- goods_list[item_id] = goods_list[item_id] - item_num
- end
- if not flag then
- break
- end
- num = lv - cur_lv
- end
- return num
- end
- local function reset_level(lv, list)
- local level_conf_list = assert(asset.RoleLevelConfig_proto, "RoleLevelConfig_proto")
- for lv = 2, lv do
- local level_conf = level_conf_list[lv]
- if not level_conf then
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_SYS_ERR -- 系统异常
- end
- for i = 1, #level_conf.goods do
- local item_id = level_conf.goods[i]
- local item_num = level_conf.goodNum[i]
- if item_id and item_num and item_num > 0 then
- table_insert(list, {id = item_id, num = item_num})
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return 0
- end
- function THIS.hero_upgrade(character, args)
- local d = _M.assert_get(character)
- local sid = args.sid
- local num = args.num or 0
- if not sid then
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_PARM_ERR -- 参数异常
- end
- if num < 0 or num > MAX_UPGRADE then
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_PARM_ERR -- 参数异常
- end
- -- local altar_battle = altar.get_altar_battle_info(character)
- -- if altar_battle[sid] then
- -- return STD_ERR.COMMON_PARM_ERR -- 参数异常
- -- end
- local data = d.list[sid]
- local level = data.lv
- if not data then
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_PARM_ERR -- 参数异常
- end
- local hero_conf_list = assert(asset.RoleConfig_proto, "RoleConfig_proto")
- local hero_conf = hero_conf_list[data.id]
- if not hero_conf then
- logger_trace("RoleConfig_proto:%d", data.id)
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_CONF_ERR -- 配置异常
- end
- if num == 0 then
- num = get_max_upgrade(character, level)
- if num <= 0 then
- return STD_ERR.HERO_MAX_LEVEL -- 超过最大等级
- end
- end
- local level_conf_list = assert(asset.RoleLevelConfig_proto, "RoleLevelConfig_proto")
- local pay_list = {}
- for i = 1, num do
- local conf = level_conf_list[level+i]
- if not conf then
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_CONF_ERR-- 配置异常
- end
- for j = 1, #conf.goods do
- local item_id = conf.goods[j]
- local item_num = conf.goodNum[j]
- if item_id and item_num then
- table_insert(pay_list, {id = item_id, num = item_num})
- end
- end
- end
- local receipt = {
- module="hero",
- brief="角色升级",
- context=string.format("角色id%d, 从%d升级到%d", data.id, level, level+num),
- notify={
- flags="hero_upgrade"
- },
- detail=pay_list
- }
- local errno = payment(character, receipt)
- if errno ~=0 then
- return errno
- end
- local cur_lv = data.lv+num
- local pre_lv = data.lv
- data.lv = data.lv+num
- _M.persist(character)
- character.dispatch("hero_upgrade", data.id, pre_lv, cur_lv)
- character.dispatch("hero_upgrade_info", data)
- return 0, {data = data}
- end
- function THIS.hero_upgrade_star(character, args)
- local d = _M.assert_get(character) or {}
- local sid = args.sid
- if not sid then
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_PARM_ERR -- 参数异常
- end
- local data = d.list[sid]
- if not data then
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_PARM_ERR -- 参数异常
- end
- local role_conf_list = assert(asset.RoleConfig_proto, "RoleConfig_proto")
- local role_conf = role_conf_list[data.id]
- if not role_conf then
- logger_trace("RoleConfig_proto:%d", data.id)
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_CONF_ERR -- 配置异常
- end
- local cur_quality = role_conf.quality
- if not cur_quality then
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_CONF_ERR -- 配置异常
- end
- local max_quality = asset.DataConfig_proto[5].data1
- if cur_quality >= max_quality then
- return STD_ERR.HERO_START_MAX -- 达到最大突破等级
- end
- local conf_id = data.id + 1
- role_conf = role_conf_list[conf_id]
- if not role_conf or role_conf.quality ~= cur_quality+1 then
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_CONF_ERR -- 配置异常
- end
- if data.num < role_conf.consume then
- end
- data.id = conf_id
- data.num = data.num - role_conf.consume
- _M.persist(character)
- return 0, {data = d.list[sid]}
- end
- function THIS.hero_onekey_upgrade_star(character, args)
- local d = _M.assert_get(character)
- return 0
- end
- --
- function THIS.hero_reset(character, args)
- return 0
- end
- function THIS.hero_wear_equip(character, args)
- local sid = args.sid
- local list = args.list or {}
- local d = _M.assert_get(character)
- if not sid or not d.list[sid] then
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_PARM_ERR -- 参数异常
- end
- local data = d.list[sid]
- -- -- 清除冗余字段
- -- for i = #list , 1, -1 do
- -- if list[i] == "" then
- -- list[i] = nil
- -- else
- -- break
- -- end
- -- end
- if #list ~= 6 and #list ~= 0 then
- return STD_ERR.COMMON_PARM_ERR -- 参数异常
- end
- local errno = equip.equip_wear(character, data, data.equip, list)
- if errno ~= 0 then
- return errno
- end
- local empty = true
- -- 清除冗余字段
- for i = #list , 1, -1 do
- if list[i] ~= "" then
- empty = false
- break
- end
- end
- if empty then
- list = nil
- end
- data.equip = list
- _M.persist(character)
- return 0, {list = args.list, data = data}
- end
- -- 英雄背包数据
- function REQUEST.hero_get_data(character, args)
- return func_ret("hero_get_data", character, args)
- end
- -- 英雄升级
- function REQUEST.hero_upgrade(character, args)
- return func_ret("hero_upgrade", character, args)
- end
- -- 英雄升星
- function REQUEST.hero_upgrade_star(character, args)
- return func_ret("hero_upgrade_star", character, args)
- end
- -- 一键升星
- function REQUEST.hero_onekey_upgrade_star(character, args)
- return func_ret("hero_onekey_upgrade_star", character, args)
- end
- -- 重置
- function REQUEST.hero_reset(character, args)
- return func_ret("hero_reset", character, args)
- end
- -- 装备穿戴
- function REQUEST.hero_wear_equip(character, args)
- return func_ret("hero_wear_equip", character, args)
- end
- -- 英雄的特殊属性
- function MODULE.get_special_attr(character)
- local d = _M.assert_get(character)
- local battle_list = embattle.get_embattle_hero_list(character)
- local list = {}
- for sid in pairs(battle_list or {}) do
- local data = d.list[sid]
- if not data then
- end
- for _, esid in ipairs(data.equip or {}) do
- if not esid or esid == "" then
- goto CONTINUE2
- end
- local equip_info = equip.get_equip_data(character, esid)
- if not equip_info then
- goto CONTINUE2
- end
- local equip_conf = asset.ArmorConfig_proto[equip_info.id]
- if equip_conf and equip_conf.entry and equip_conf.entry > 0 then
- local conf = asset.EntryConfig_proto[equip_conf.entry]
- if conf and conf.type and conf.type >= 100 then
- if conf.rateArr[1] and conf.rateArr[1] > 0 then
- list[conf.type] = (list[conf.type] or 0) + conf.rateArr[1]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- logger.test("equip get_special_attr"..stringify(list or {}))
- return list
- end
- return MODULE