123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290 |
- local c = require "util.core"
- local os_time = os.time
- local os_date = os.date
- local math_floor = math.floor
- local logger = require "logger"
- local util = {}
- local oneday = 24*3600
- ---------------------------- Maths ----------------------------
- function util.max(a, b)
- return a > b and a or b
- end
- function util.min(a, b)
- return a < b and a or b
- end
- function util.clamp(a, low, up)
- assert(up >= low)
- if a < low then
- return low -- min
- elseif a > up then
- return up -- max
- else
- return a -- original value
- end
- end
- ---------------------------- Time ----------------------------
- function util.timezone()
- return c.timezone()
- end
- function util.today(ti, sec)
- local tz = c.timezone() * 3600
- return ((ti or os_time()) + tz) // 86400 * 86400 - tz + (sec or 0)
- end
- function util.gettime()
- return c.gettime()
- end
- function util.gettimeofday()
- return c.gettimeofday()
- end
- function util.nextday(ti)
- return util.today(ti) + 86400
- end
- function util.week(ti)
- local w = tonumber(os_date("%w", ti))
- if w == 0 then w = 7 end -- 星期转换结果为 0
- return w
- end
- function util.hours(ti)
- return tonumber(os_date("%H", ti or os_time()))
- end
- function util.day(ti)
- return tonumber(os_date("%d", ti or os_time()))
- end
- function util.alarm(ti) -- 整点时间
- -- 获取下次刷新排行榜时间, 活动刷新时间
- local temp_tm = os.date("*t", ti or os_time())
- temp_tm.min = 0
- temp_tm.sec = 0
- return os_time(temp_tm) -- 刷新战斗力时间
- end
- -- time travel
- --[[
- 获取以 hour点 minute 作为跨天点的 时间间隔天数
- start_time : 开始的时间点
- end_time : 结束的时间点
- hour : 跨天的小时点
- minute : 跨天的分钟点
- not_start : true start_time 那一天的第一个跨点不计算 (例如:4点跨天 如果start_time 是0~4点,那么0~下一天4点是第一天)
- : false start_time 那一天的第一个跨点计算 (例如:4点跨天 如果start_time 是0~4点,那么4~下一天4点是第二天)
- ]]
- local function get_time_clock(give_time,hour,minute)
- -- 格式化时间为当天hour:minute
- -- local now_tm = os_date("*t", give_time)
- -- now_tm.hour = hour
- -- now_tm.min = minute
- -- now_tm.sec = 0
- local sec = hour * 3600 + minute * 60
- return util.today(give_time, sec)
- end
- function util.get_time_travel(start_time,end_time,hour,minute,not_start)
- assert(start_time)
- assert(end_time)
- assert(start_time <= end_time)
- hour = hour or 0
- minute = minute or 0
- not_start = not_start or false
- local start_tc = get_time_clock(start_time,hour,minute)
- local end_tc = get_time_clock(end_time,hour,minute)
- local start_zero = start_tc - (hour * 3600 + minute * 60)
- local end_zero =start_tc - (hour * 3600 + minute * 60)
- local travel_days = 0
- if start_time < start_tc then
- if not_start then
- -- 第一个跨点不计算 不用修正
- else
- -- 第一个跨点计算 修正到上一天
- start_tc = start_tc - oneday
- end
- end
- if (end_time < end_tc) and not (not_start and start_zero == end_zero) then
- end_tc = end_tc - oneday
- end
- return math_floor((end_tc - start_tc)/86400 + 1),end_tc
- -- local start_tc = get_time_clock(start_time,hour,minute)
- -- local end_tc = get_time_clock(end_time,hour,minute)
- -- return math_floor((end_time - start_tc)/oneday) + 1,end_tc
- end
- ---------------------------- Random ----------------------------
- local dice = {}
- local mt = { __index = dice }
- function util.newrandom(...)
- local self = { __cobj = assert(c.newrandom(...)) }
- return setmetatable(self, mt)
- end
- function dice:roll(...)
- return c.rand(self.__cobj, ...)
- end
- function dice:srand(seed)
- c.srand(self.__cobj, seed)
- end
- function dice:peekseed()
- return c.peekseed(self.__cobj)
- end
- local holdrand = 1
- function util.peekseed()
- return holdrand
- end
- function util.rand(...)
- local r, s = c.random(...)
- holdrand = s
- return r
- end
- function util.srand(seed)
- holdrand = seed
- c.srandom(holdrand)
- end
- ---------------------------- UUID ----------------------------
- function util.uuid()
- return c.uuid()
- end
- ---------------------------- Hash ----------------------------
- function util.hashcode(str)
- return c.hashcode(str)
- end
- ---------------------------- Table ----------------------------
- function util.length(t)
- local n = 0
- for _, _ in pairs(t) do
- n = n + 1
- end
- return n
- end
- -- table 序列化
- function util.tablequeue(obj)
- local temp = {}
- if not obj then
- return temp
- end
- for _, v in pairs(obj) do
- table.insert(temp, v)
- end
- return temp
- end
- -- Initialize random seed for function of the util.rand
- util.srand(os_time())
- util.rand() -- discard first value to avoid undesirable correlations
- function util.optimize_array(a)
- if a and next(a) then
- return a
- end
- end
- -- TODO: 计算指定时间的周一
- function util.week_monday(time)
- time = util.today(time)
- local w = util.week(time)
- -- if w == 0 then w = 7 end -- 星期转换结果为 0
- local rettm = time - (w - 1)*86400
- logger.trace(" 周一的时间节点 %s, 开服时间节点 %s",
- os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tonumber(rettm)),
- os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tonumber(time))
- )
- return rettm
- end
- -- TODO: 计算指定时间月份的 1号
- function util.month_one(time)
- time = util.today(time)
- local d = util.day(time)
- local rettm = time - (d - 1)*86400
- logger.trace(" 1 号的时间节点 %s, 开服时间节点 %s",
- os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tonumber(rettm)),
- os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tonumber(time))
- )
- return rettm
- end
- -- TODO: 计算开服后指定多少个月的 1号
- function util.next_month_one(time, many)
- many = (many or 1) - 1
- local one = util.month_one(time)
- local onetable = os.date("*t", one)
- local onetable_month = onetable.month + many
- local add_year = 0
- local set_month = onetable_month
- if onetable_month > 12 then
- add_year = math.modf(onetable_month/12)
- set_month = math.fmod( onetable_month, 12 )
- end
- onetable.year = onetable.year+add_year
- onetable.month = set_month
- local newtime = os.time(onetable)
- logger.trace(" ### 指定时间的1号 %s, 计算出来的1号 %s, many:%s",
- os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tonumber(one)), os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tonumber(newtime)),many)
- return newtime
- end
- function util.split(str)
- local chunks = {str:match("(%d+)%/(%d+)%/(%d+)%/(%d+)%/(%d+)%/(%d+)")}
- assert(#chunks == 6)
- local year, month, day, hour, min, sec = table.unpack(chunks)
- return os.time({ year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=min, sec=sec })
- end
- -- function util.goods_merge(list)
- -- list = list or {}
- -- local ok, value = next(list)
- -- if not ok then
- -- return list
- -- end
- -- local t = {}
- -- if type(value) == "table" then
- -- for _, v in ipairs(list) do
- -- local id = v.id
- -- local num = v.num
- -- t[id] = t[id] or {
- -- id = id,
- -- num = 0
- -- }
- -- t[id].num = t[id].num + num
- -- end
- -- else
- -- for i=1, #list, 2 do
- -- local id = list[i]
- -- local num = list[i+1]
- -- if num and num > 0 then
- -- t[id] = t[id] or {
- -- id = id,
- -- num = 0
- -- }
- -- t[id].num = t[id].num + num
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- return util.tablequeue(t)
- -- end
- return util