-- GM管理对玩家封号和 禁言 local skynet = require "skynet" require "skynet.manager" local redisdriver = require "skynet.db.redis" local logger = require "logger" local queue = require "skynet.queue" local cjson = require "cjson" local stringify = require "stringify" local synchronized = queue() local namecenter local usercenter local rankinglist local skynet_send = skynet.send local skynet_call = skynet.call local md5 = require "md5" local state = 0 local db_character local authz = {acc = "yytx", pwd = "lee@YY-Games.520"} -- Generate request data local content = {acc = authz.acc, pwd = authz.pwd, sign = false} content.sign = string.sub(md5.sumhexa(content.acc .. content.pwd), 9, 24) local whitelist = { [""] = true, [""] = true, [""] = true, [""] = true, [""] = true, [""] = true, } -- 根据名字得到玩家uid local function get_id(name) return skynet.call(namecenter, "lua", "findby", name) end local function initialize() state = 1 local conf = assert(option.redis) db_character = redisdriver.connect(conf) db_character:select(0) namecenter = skynet.localname(".namecenter") usercenter = skynet.localname(".usercenter") rankinglist = skynet.localname(".rankinglist") end local forbit = function(args, ipaddr, header) return synchronized(function() logger.trace("处理来自主机 %s 的GM管理封号禁言请求", ipaddr) if state == 0 then initialize() end if not whitelist[ipaddr] then -- return { code=403, msg="Forbidden" } -- return cjson.encode({errno = 403, host = header.host, info = "不信任ip"}) end -- 验证gm账号 -- local code = string.sub(args.code, 1, 16) -- if code ~= content.sign then -- return cjson.encode({state = 403, msg = "账号或密码错误"}) -- end local ntype=tonumber(args.ntype) local entity=cjson.decode(args.json) local uid={} local succ1={} local failed1={} if entity.names then for k,v in pairs(entity.names) do local v1=get_id(v) table.insert(uid, v1) end elseif entity.uids then uid=entity.uids elseif (not entity.uids) and (not entity.names) then return cjson.encode({state = 403,msg= "请输入玩家uid或者玩家name"}) end local times = tonumber(entity.times) or 0 if ntype==3 or ntype==1 then if not times or times < 0 then return cjson.encode({state = 400, msg = "wrong times"}) end end if ntype==4 or ntype==2 then times=0 end local now = os.time() local forbittime = now + times for key,value in pairs(uid) do local k = string.format("character:%s",value) if true == db_character:exists(k) then -- local forbitstr = "GM工具对玩家:" -- CDPK3-172 local forbitstr_mode = "%s,%s,%s" local timeas = os.date("%Y.%m.%d %X", forbittime) if ntype == 6 then skynet_send(usercenter, "lua", "agent_command", value, "ban_rank", 0) db_character:hset(k, "ban_rank", 0) elseif ntype == 5 then skynet_send(usercenter, "lua", "agent_command", value, "ban_rank", 1) db_character:hset(k, "ban_rank", 1) skynet_send(rankinglist, "lua", "del", value) elseif ntype == 4 then -- forbitstr = forbitstr .. value .. " 解除禁言--" .. timeas -- CDPK3-172 local forbitstr = string.format(forbitstr_mode, STD_ERR.PLAYER_FORBIT_4,value,timeas) skynet_send(usercenter, "lua", "agent_command", value, "setsilent",forbitstr, forbittime) db_character:hset(k, "silent", forbittime) elseif ntype==3 then -- forbitstr = forbitstr .. value .. " 禁言到" .. timeas -- CDPK3-172 local forbitstr = string.format(forbitstr_mode, STD_ERR.PLAYER_FORBIT_3,value,timeas) skynet_send(usercenter, "lua", "agent_command", value, "setsilent",forbitstr, forbittime) db_character:hset(k, "silent", forbittime) elseif ntype==2 then -- forbitstr = forbitstr .. value .. " 解除封号--" .. timeas -- CDPK3-172 local forbitstr = string.format(forbitstr_mode, STD_ERR.PLAYER_FORBIT_2,value,timeas) --logger.error(forbiddenstr) db_character:hset(k,"forbidden",forbittime) elseif ntype==1 then -- forbitstr = forbitstr .. value .. " 封号到" .. timeas -- CDPK3-172 local forbitstr = string.format(forbitstr_mode, STD_ERR.PLAYER_FORBIT_1,value,timeas) skynet_call(usercenter,"lua","agent_command",value,"kick",forbitstr) db_character:hset(k,"forbidden",forbittime) end table.insert(succ1, value) else table.insert(failed1, value) --return cjson.encode({state = 400, msg = "without the player"}) end end local pack={} pack.succ=succ1 pack.failed=failed1 if ntype ==6 then return cjson.encode({state = 0, msg = "排行解禁止success",content=pack}) elseif ntype==5 then return cjson.encode({state = 0, msg = "排行封禁success",content=pack}) elseif ntype==3 then return cjson.encode({state = 0, msg = "禁言success",content=pack}) elseif ntype==4 then return cjson.encode({state = 0, msg = "解除禁言success",content=pack}) elseif ntype==2 then return cjson.encode({state = 0, msg = "解除封号success",content=pack}) elseif ntype==1 then return cjson.encode({state = 0, msg = "封号success",content=pack}) end end) end return forbit