local skynet = require "skynet" require "skynet.manager" local socket = require "skynet.socket" local websocket = require "http.websocket" local socketdriver = require "skynet.socketdriver" local logger = require "logger" local traceback = debug.traceback local stringify = require "stringify" local nodelay local watchdog local connection = {} -- fd -> connection : { fd , client, agent , ip, mode } local forwarding = {} -- agent -> connection local client_number = 0 local maxclient -- max client local function unforward(c) if c.agent then forwarding[c.agent] = nil c.agent = nil c.client = nil end end local function close_fd(fd) local c = connection[fd] if c then socketdriver.close(fd) unforward(c) connection[fd] = nil client_number = client_number - 1 end end local handle = {} function handle.connect(fd) -- print("ws connect from: " .. tostring(fd)) if client_number >= maxclient then socketdriver.close(fd) return end if nodelay then socketdriver.nodelay(fd) end client_number = client_number + 1 local addr = websocket.addrinfo(fd) local c = { fd = fd, ip = addr, } connection[fd] = c skynet.send(watchdog, "lua", "socket", "open", fd, addr) end function handle.handshake(fd, header, url) -- local addr = websocket.addrinfo(fd) -- print("ws handshake from: " .. tostring(fd), "url", url, "addr:", addr) -- print("----header-----") -- for k,v in pairs(header) do -- print(k,v) -- end -- print("--------------") end function handle.message(fd, msg) -- print("ws ping from: " .. tostring(fd), msg.."\n") local sz = #msg -- recv a package, forward it local c = connection[fd] local agent = c.agent if agent then -- It's safe to redirect msg directly , gateserver framework will not free msg. skynet.redirect(agent, c.client, "client", fd, msg, sz) else skynet.send(watchdog, "lua", "socket", "data", fd, msg) -- skynet.tostring will copy msg to a string, so we must free msg here. skynet.trash(msg,sz) end end function handle.ping(fd) -- print("ws ping from: " .. tostring(fd) .. "\n") end function handle.pong(fd) -- print("ws pong from: " .. tostring(fd)) end function handle.close(fd, code, reason) -- print("ws close from: " .. tostring(fd), code, reason) close_fd(fd) skynet.send(watchdog, "lua", "socket", "close", fd) end function handle.error(fd) -- print("ws error from: " .. tostring(fd)) close_fd(fd) skynet.send(watchdog, "lua", "socket", "error", fd) end local CMD = {} function CMD.open(source, conf) watchdog = conf.watchdog or source local address = conf.address or "" local port = assert(conf.port) local protocol = conf.protocol or "ws" maxclient = conf.maxclient or 1024 nodelay = conf.nodelay local fd = socket.listen(address, port) logger.trace("Listen websocket port:%s protocol:%s", port, protocol) socket.start(fd, function(fd, addr) logger.trace(string.format("accept client socket_fd: %s addr:%s", fd, addr)) websocket.accept(fd, handle, protocol, addr) end) end function CMD.forward(source, fd, client, address) local c = assert(connection[fd]) unforward(c) c.client = client or 0 c.agent = address or source forwarding[c.agent] = c end function CMD.accept(source, fd) local c = assert(connection[fd]) unforward(c) end function CMD.kick(source, fd) websocket.close(fd) end skynet.register_protocol { name = "client", id = skynet.PTYPE_CLIENT, } skynet.start(function() skynet.dispatch("lua", function(session, source, cmd, ...) local f = CMD[cmd] if not f then skynet.error("simplewebsocket can't dispatch cmd ".. (cmd or nil)) skynet.ret(skynet.pack({ok=false})) return end if session == 0 then f(source, ...) else skynet.ret(skynet.pack(f(source, ...))) end end) skynet.register(".ws_gate") skynet.error("ws_gate booted...") end)